I decided to take a mental health week away from work. During that time I took a brisk walk several days,. Although I felt a bit winded I contributed it to being out of shape. I heard about this out of control virus going on in the world but didn’t think much of it. I began feeling symptoms of some kind of ailments. My PCP. He prescribed me a Z-pack and encouraged me to drink a lot of liquids. I developed some new symptoms seemingly designated as the COVID-19 virus growing every day like gossip all over the world. My Mother was fearful that I was extremely infirmed like never before. I had trouble breathing. I had a sore throat. I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. I had no appetite. I had no strength. The chit chat flooding my surroundings was all about this virus and my need to get tested. I did and the results were Positive. The protocol of this outcome was to be quarantined to my room for at least two weeks.
Introduced to the COVID-19
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