COVID-19 Project Story Collection

Residents were asked to “tell a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.” Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”

College life

Im in college and the corona virus has sent me back home closing campus. I lost my job on campus and now has to depend on my parents. Also the college students don’t qualify for the stimulus checks for some reason.
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Selfless act

As a essential worker this pandemic have impact my mental being because I have to work more and give time and also take care of others around me. I have to neglect my niece and nephew because of this virus no hugs or kisses from them.
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#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #246)

As a freshmen in college , corona virus has deeply impacted me . My classes are online and my grades are dropping due to the adjusting of it all .
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Gone too soon….

I am use to staying home, even during weekends (prior to covid 19). The quarantine part was not that difficult to adhere to. I know for a fact what has impacted me emotionally and psychologically the most…the social distancing, not able to go to church, visit family in New York, but most of all is hearing of close relatives and friends in New York City/New Jersey whom have lost a loved one. I have a very close friend who lost her husband and younger brother all in a month. It is just all too surreal… the massive amounts of lives…
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#36 Better Days Ahead

My family prevents me from going out. Mainly,because of my high blood pressure and being a stroke victim. So,they are scared for me ! She believe if you experience any symptoms and visit your Doctor you will die. She says atke ginger,cloves,lemon with warm water to improve your health.She is responsible for her 17 yr old Granddaughter who attends Atlantic High’s International Baccalaureate Program and her studies online daily.She is praying for better days ahead!My son,that lives in Boston,is taking care of his newborn daily.
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# 19 He has not even had a phone conversation with his wife

The virus has a steady impact on Mr Clayton. he has not been able to have his weekly visits at Boulevard Manor Nursing Facility since early March. He has not even had a phone conversation with her Mr Kenny is 88 years young and Mrs Clayton will be 88 on December 4.2020. She suffers with a Dementia and has been at the Nursing facility for appx 8 years. He misses his weekly visits with her. He receives meals and fruit on a weekly basis. Mr Kenny and Mrs Pearline have been united in marriage for over 40 years with no…
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You don’t what you’re missing until you are forced to see it!

The corona virus has made me realize that money and material things are worth nothing if you don’t have the health to enjoy it! I have also realized how precious it is to be able to stay at home and not go to work, allowing me to spend more time with my family. The small things that you really didn’t take note of that matters the most.
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I don’t have a code, but I heard about this by word of mouth.

To whom it may concern, being a senior citizen with medical disability, the corona virus has impacted my life in many ways. It has affected my not being able to get out to go to the pharmacy to get my medication, going to the grocery store to purchase my food and most of all affecting my mental ability worries of catching the virus. My prayer is that the government, and county official, and the people that are in position, to help the people will do the right thing and be fair with helping all that needs the help. Thank you…
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God is!!!

The Corona virus has effected me in a little way. I can’t go out to church like I use to but other than that I am truly Blessed to be here through it all.
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COVID-19 Loss

I have had to move from Florida to a location a 1000 miles away because of COVID-19. I lost my home and my friends with less than 1 weeks notice. I was unable to walk across the stage. I was unable to deliver the graduation speech I was voted for by my peers. I was unable to say goodbye to the advisors I’ve adored so much. I lost the last two months of my senior year. I lost my favorite job as a teaching assistant and never really got to say goodbye to the lab that I feel in love…
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# 40 She Walks From the Front Door to the Back Door

Mrs Ovida Denson is 86 years young. Ms Ovida is a retired Teacher. She doesn’t go out for anything. Maurice Denson ,61,lives with his mother. And he is in charge of all errands.The City of Boynton Beach pool is named after her late husband .She says that she sits in the house daily with nothing but T.V. And She walks from the front door to her back door all day.The pandemic has will keep her from attending her beloved BCU alumni meetings,Retired Teacher’s Meetings and church.
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Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.
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Abbeys Story

Having to maintain my job, pick up a second job to help where my wife lost income, and trying to stay mentally and physically healthy.
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Graduation (Story #227)

The corona virus has impact my life in a huge way this year i was supposed to walk across the stage and due to the pandemic its not possible.
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My life has been pretty good so far. I mean i do miss football but i’ve been working out and doing what i usually do. I’ve been exploring my town and doing new things with my family
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I never thought that I would have to be in protective gear like gloves,facial covering to run to the grocery to pick-up a few items and to come home an cautiously take off all the clothing you wore to the grocery store and disinfect your car, home and more importantly your body after arriving back from the grocery or any place else. This is like a nightmare that could have been avoided by all leaders agreeing to freeze the movement of its people in a timely manner.
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The New Regular

The coronavirus has extremely impacted my life. From the beginning, it changed how I, and the entire world, interact with one another in public and at home, but as things got more serious and the threat grew so did our lives. I had to move off campus, and was suddenly taking classes online, this made it so much harder to stay tuned into the lectures and participate. I lost my job temporarily for 2 months. I worked as a receptionist at my family’s salon, and with it closing my dad was also out of a job for those 2 months…
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Social distancing (Story #365)

The corona virus has impacted my life in a strange way.I work as a busser at a restaurant and is currently unemployed due to social distancing.
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God Truly Provides

I lost my job, my kids and I are home during the day but my husband is an essential worker. We have not been without.
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Help those most in need in Lake Worth and PBC

Our gallery and studio are closed to the public. I come in most days to a thankfully empty town. The only people, for the most part, who are walking the streets are the homeless and those with cognitive disabilities. I drive past the tent city in John Prince Park and it breaks my heart to see so many homeless in close quarters. If nothing is done to help them it is only a matter of time. I worry about Patrick and the folks he feeds and their exposure. I sent this statement out in a letter to someone who might…
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Stacy’s Story

Covid-19 has thankfully had less of an impact on my life than it has on many others. My family is safe. We are financially secure. Although I would like to visit the beach and parks, I understand that doing so may negatively impact the lives of my family and others. I am thankful to have such a loving family, a safe place to live, and the resources I need to live comfortably. This virus has directly impacted extended family members and community members. I pray for the safety of all.
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Self Reflection

During this pandemic situation this has impacted my life because now I look at life a little different now I don’t take things for granted and it has given me a whole new prospective on . I has increased my prayer life and i spend more time reading God’s word and talking to my family and loving on them more. Trying to tell people that I love them. Just taking time to reflect on life and self gratification.
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Covid-19 (Story #939)

Fidelina FloresHi, I’m Fidelina Flores I was forced to stop working on March 18th due to the covid-19 outbreak. I have three kids, an 11 month old an 8 year old and an 18 year old. I used to work at a restaurant called “Las Flores”. After a couple of months of staying home I was able to go back to work, but only for one day. My employment income decreased drastically leaving me and my family in a very hard financial situation. My husband also got his work hours reduced. He is working just three days a week because…
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# 11… The Freedom Just Isn;t There To Do Like You Wanna

Dan White is a single 69 years old. He was born and raised in Boynton Beach.He loves his community and he has proven it by volunteering with organizations that are close to his beliefs. Dan is a College Graduate and takes no jokes about being a FAMU rattler. He says that the pandemic has been very threatful to Boynton Beach for everyone that has transitioned as a result of the Virus.He has known each one of them since childhood . Dan lives in a retirement community. Dan,sadly,mentions that he has no social life. The freedom just isn’t there to do…
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Juanita Marshall grew up in Delray Beach and moved to Boynton Beach appx. 5 years ago. She appears to have missed her belated Mother enormously. She has two sons that live with her . One son,Chris has been diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis. He oldest son, Todd ,has gotten a full-time with WM after he worked faithfully for years at a temp agency. This has helped lessen the families financial burdens. It was years ago, that we assisted this family with furnishings,towels and bed sheets after they were infested with bedbugs. The bedbugs started as, Chris,the younger son,…
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The Least of These From the Fields to Detention Centers

So many of us are utterly consumed with fear and our personal prospects for escaping the contagion of the Corona virus. As we stoke our own anxieties, while we shelter in place, there is precious little else to occupy our thoughts except when this will all be over, and when can we return to some sense of normalcy. It’s human nature I suppose, but these musings will make the leap from self absorption to people in our society who are strangers in more ways than one to us. They live and work among us. Many are integral to our survival;…
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My testimony

well I really don’t know where to start. In March I was laid off do to corona… totally devastated. My son and I were in a world of trouble. In May I found out had cancerous cells on my cervix, also had a special procedure to stop the growth (painful), also in May I suffered 2nd degree burns in my back. In June I suffered a stroke,and it affected my right side slightly. Neurologist suggested I shouldn’t drive until further notice. While in the pandemic and me being in the hospital, my son who suffers from mental illness, attempted…
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# 37 Staying Out of the Vius Way

Mrs Beulah Hunt is 85 years young. She has had bouts will some serious health concerns. Mrs Beulah has a strong will which keeps her afloat.Boynton Beach has been her home her entire life..She says that she is staying out of the way of the virus. Ms Beulah only goes out as needed.Where she worship has not opened its doors yet and she saysthat’s fine!There is a need for assistance with Electric and Water.
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#48 Nothing is in our Hands

I am a cancer survivor. I also have respiratory concerns. I have learned during this pandemic to use technology to communicate with my Kingdom Hall family. I an using zoom and facetime . which makes me feel accomplished! The message is to continue to be obedient and working together with and friends, I am 75 yrs of age,I do need assistance with eye medication. I will make a referral for her at a local family owned pharmacy. Her food needs are being met by her sons.Lastly, she says,:Nothing is in our hands.
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In need of help

I recently have been going through a lot I’m behind in my water bill I have 5 kids with me I been laid off of work and don’t have any income coming in.
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When will this all end. I’m all cooped up in my house. I’m ready to leave this dumb house. The only time I am happy is with the senior program and they shit that down.
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Pandemic (Story #372)

When I first found out about the corona virus, I thought that It was going to stay in China and not spread to the United States, I had no idea the horror that lied ahead. Firstly, I heard that It was in my country, then my state, then my county. Soon enough, a kid that goes to palm beach county schools ended up with the corona virus, so the governor decided to close all schools in Palm Beach County. This news came to me with a shock. I was in my math class when doing my work when my teacher…
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The end of the world (Story #411)

Hi My name is Mrs. D corona virus is a devil It’s come like a bigger storm. No one got time to save or collect nothing we can’t get money to buy things to eat and pay our bills . Because I seating at home I don’t know when everything going to be done only God knows.
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Keeping Faith, Adapting and Balancing

The CORVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the route of my family’s daily activities. In order to keep our family and community safe from the coronavirus, we’ve had to be receptive and adapt. I’m a single working mom with three children (1, 5, and 8) and I’m an MBA graduate student. Initially, the lifestyle changes were very overwhelming and challenging. In the beginning stages of the pandemic, my family experienced a death in the family. There was concern for the funeral arrangements due to the coronavirus. On the day of the funeral, the executive order of ten…
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# 26 She has served her community well

Mrs Schley is lifelong resident of Boynton Beach and a proud ST Paul AME member whose Aunt sold the present property to the church for $10 in 1951.. She has also served in the pulpit as a Minister at ST Paul AME.Mrs Mildred lost her youngest child ,Vernell (37) in August 1996. She was left with 4 sons and 1 daughter. Mrs Schley has served her community well as a beautician(mine as a child),a paraprofessional at one of the local Elementary schools near her home. Mrs Mildred walked to work.When you heard her laughter you could point to…
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School (Story #600)

Coronavirus has stopped me from going to school and participating in summer classes I struggle with taking online classes for the spring or sometime in May and my family decided that we will no longer participate in summer classes in my community Bellglade we have a problem with quarantining and things are turning upside down I truly believe coronavirus I started it operate in my community and only we can fix it.
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Starting adult life on the wrong foot |EJSLW2020

Due to COVID-19 many youth may be happy or relieved because they can partake in schooling online which means more time to sleep, flexibility and convenience. As for me being an 18-year-old senior I do not posses those same feelings. COVID-19 put me at an odd limbo, I will not only miss out on events that are the culmination (prom and graduation) of high school but college as well. COVID-19 put an unwanted and unexpected gap in my transition from adolescence to adulthood and to add insult to injury the government has yet to devise a plan for college…
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A Not-So Gentle Reminder to Slow Down and Connect

I feel like I should be more concerned about the Corona Virus but I can’t help but feel a certain sense of calm around the whole situation. Maybe it is the connectedness – everyone is in it together and thinking of neighbors and loves ones. Because we are limited in where we can go, our home is filled with family time. Board games, pool time, and yoga have dominated the past weeks. When I walk my dog, everyone says hello now – or at least respond to me when I say hello (which I normally do). The sense of Unity…
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Life goes on!!

I haven’t been sick since 2004 and everything has been the same/Good for me. I still have to pay rent, work etc. Why is everything in a panic when this virus is easier to get rid of then a common cold.
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The Fierce Women

I’m pregnant and the Corona virus has stopped work for me and my child.. my source of income has been put on hold. I’m afraid to give birth in these circumstances.
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# I’m woke Nigga

In my opinion this ain’t nothing but scare tactics. The government tryna scare us into spending money on stupid s*** like toilet paper.
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Quarantine with 3 plus me

Being in Quarantine due to COVID-19 is great at times and challenging in others. I am a mother of 3 school age children and am currently working from home. Finding balance between work and assisting the kids with their school work has been challenge that I am currently working. I am grateful for the full support of my kids teachers in providing lessons and following up with their educational needs. The struggle is when I try to focus on my work but still need to facilitate and support the kids learning ( answer questions, work on practice problems,…
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# 12 I Have Never Seen Such Times As These

Mrs Ginger is a recent widow who was also born and reared in Boynton Beach. Mrs Ginger taught Elementary school during segregation and integration. She says she has continuously witnessed turbulent time with the various protest and virus. Mrs Colebrooks says she has never seen such times as these. She’s still in rehab with her fractured hip . She has two adult daughters taking great care if her.Mrs Colebrooks can use any financial assistance available to her.
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Grandchildren education

My grandchildren are now taking online classes but my daughter is an essential worker she’s a care giver and while she’s working i have my grandchildren the education online is not really hands on so i don’t think it’s really benefiting my grandchildren
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Confusing,Confusion, Confused.

My family has changed its dynamics since the virus was considered a problem for my community. My son, who was working in a foreign country was forced to leave. Although he had planned to relocate to another country, all borders have been closed, so he is coming back to the U.S.A., and plans to be quarantined for awhile. Of course, he will live with me, his sister and my grand-daughter. This will put a strain on our monetary resources, but, unlike others, we do have a place to live at the moment. At…
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9 (Story #293)

As a single mother of 4 this virus have a big impact on my family and I’m sure that’s with everyone else as well, but with my children who have asthma it’s hard to tell them no they can’t go outside and play, or go to the store with me, with their learning disability they stuffing with their learning because I’m not specialized in that field, so I could only do what I can, but it’s frustrated when I can’t help them or can’t get in contact with their teacher’s right away, my job cut my hours but I’m grateful…
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