COVID-19 Project Story Collection

Residents were asked to “tell a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.” Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”

Coffee shop anxiety

I sometimes work at a coffee shop for family friends on the weekends. I worked this past Sunday to help out over worked owners and staff. A lot of the other staff members have decided not to come into work because they are too afraid of getting sick and not being able to support their family. I am usually a really friendly and happy person, always focused on customer service. But I found myself really anxious the entire shift and I felt angry at customers for coming in. This anxiety lingered with me for several days to the point…
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Unemployed Wife

My wife can’t work because she is a school nurse and she isn’t getting paid. She has to P.T.O and when she runs out she can’t get paid anymore. She tried to file for employment but it’s hard for website to process anything. It’s taking along time to receive it’s about the employment kids can’t go to DFYE, pool etc.
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Well, I witness how we all came together as a community and help each other get through these difficult times. I am forever grateful and i am so thankful and happy to be apart of this amazing community.
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I want to go too fast-food restaurants but I’m not sure I can because the person preparing the food could have been infected with the coronavirus. I sometimes wonder if there is ever going to be a cure for the coronavirus because there are just so many cases. Many doctors and firefighters and other people trying to help people avoid and recover from the coronavirus.
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Not that bad

Corona has given me time to work on my game and the things I lacked, haven’t really affected me negatively besides not being in school
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# 17 A combined imcome of $8556.00

Mrs Wilkins was very disappointed to learn that she and her husband would not be getting a stimulus check. It can be hard to make ends meet for them. The Wilkins make a combined yearly income of $8556.00. They manage with the assistance of their Son(who resides in Atlanta,Ga)
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Crazy (Story #552)

I would have been the 1st in my family to graduate and go off to school but the virus had pushing everything back to the the point I’m really not even going to college nobody have faith in me anymore
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It has allowed me to better myself physically mentally and spiritually.
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The pandemic began a few months after I graduated college, so it impacted my job search. Most on-site internships were canceled, and organizations were now focusing on cutting back. I am very fortunate to be in a situation where I don’t have to pay rent and utilities, so I’m not experiencing a lot of financial-related stress. Before the pandemic, I was the only one that stayed at home during the day, the dining room table was my office and a place where I could accomplish all of my daily tasks. Now there are five of us at home, so we…
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A caring husband

In my story covid19 and my wife being diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian and colon cancer. With her not working and me unable to work due to Covid have placed us in a bind. Please assist
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my life during the pandemic

Because of the corona virus I am not able to go to work, church and socialize with my friend. I am scared to go to to grocery store because I don’t want to get infected by the virus and bring it to my family. Even though I talk to my family like my mother on the phone but I don’t want to go to her house because since she is old and I am not tested I don’t want to expose her to the virus. I don’t want to be the one to bring it to her. My kids are…
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Safer at home in Lovely Jupiter

Everyone is home. Normally a good thing but my boys would prefer to be in school (one in High School the other in college). It’s a challenge with the uncertainty of the future with AP and AICE exams cancelled. As well as SAT and ACT! But we are fortunate that my husband can do his job from home (and that he has a job!) and we have a pantry and fridge full of food. I’m immune compromised with a sore throat and cough so every time I cough (which is often), my husband worries. I am not worried as I…
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# Renee’s Quarantine Chronicles

It has really impacted my life because not only am I a full-time high school teacher, I’m a mom of 2. Since being home all day and working full time, I have also become my son’s 8th grade teacher, my 3-year old’s preschool teacher, the cafeteria lady, the guidance counselor, and the janitor. These are all things I do regularly, but it wasn’t ALL day 24/7. It has made me worry about myself or anyone in my family catching the Corona Virus and how devastated I would be if that happened. However, On a positive note, it has allowed…
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Trusting in God and Being Wise

Coronavirus has restricted me from leaving the house. Its actually made me have to spend more money on grocery. We have to prep more food for the house. I am still working. I work in a job that involves entering homes. My supervisors are being more strict and cautious. We ask people how they are feeling sick wise before we go in. People can lie and I just have to rely on my best judgment. I always wash my hands, wear a mask, and not touch my face before going in. As soon as I get off I shower and…
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I’m Trying Times Don’t Quit Trying

In everything give thanks. I am at risk because of my age and thank god not because I have a medical conditions. One thing I miss is going out to dinner. I ate out at least 3 times a week. I also miss the children at the school where I volunteer. Now, I will share a story. The following week after the Pandemic started there were 3 little boys that knocked on my door this was around 8:30 pm on a Thursday night and asked if I would give them some food. I recognized them from the community but I…
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Quarantine Chronicles: More Isolated & Domesticated Than Ever

I’ve been practicing social distancing and working from home for 3 weeks, and it’s been a tricky transition. My husband still leaves the house to work every weekday, so I’ve become responsible for our young daughter’s distance learning. I’m struggling to find a rhythm for working from home, giving my daughter and husband the attention they need, and doing more cooking and cleaning than I usually do. I’ve never been this domestic! And I haven’t yet figured out a way to carve out time and space to take care of myself personally. It’s a strange place to be…feeling both more…
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In my 83 year of living, I have never known so many people that I have a connection with dying from this virus. Ii appears that the government knew of this pandemic way before now. The whole country should have been shut-down months ago. I am unable to get around like I once did, My wife and I are miserable with the company we use to receive on a daily basis. She is one of the best cooks around. So we always had folks stopping in on us. I miss that! However, if we must go out we do…
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2020 The Year the World Stood Still

The corona virus has impacted my life in every way as it has impacted the entire World’s population in every way. I feel almost like I did after 9/11. The World stopped for a week. The World changed forever. This time, the World has stopped for months. The World will be changed forever-good and bad. Teaching requires a very interactive relationship with students. I realize how important face to face interaction is for children in a school environment. A smile, a touch on the shoulder, words of encouragement, sarcastic retorts, body language……. I miss them and I know the students…
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Nene story

The coronavirus has a big impact on me because I can not going to school
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Hi, I’m Juanita Hernandez I couldn’t pay my bill this month because I’ve had a hard time since my two sons moved out. They used to help me out but I also became disabled and I cannot work. I have fibsios of the lungs, I’m always in chronic pain. Also, I have a case pending with social security but they haven’t approved me yet. It’s been hard on me and my family. I have a seven year old son, his father died three years ago of cancer and he used to help me out. My older kid’s father also passed…
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With uncertainty comes fear

I’m a bit of a loner and introvert so the social distancing wasn’t that big of deal until I realized I couldn’t give my mom (who suffers from respiratory problems) the usual hug and kiss when I visit her. I also don’t go inside of her home in stand in the yard while she sits on the porch in fear that I may be asymptomatic and infect her with COVID-19. Usually our house is the social gathering spot for all children on the block, because I have a 7-year old, basketball goal and trampoline. My son cried when we moved…
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Best part of my day.

Where do I start! Almost every aspect of my life’s schedule has been altered. Monday-Friday had the same schedule- gym, get kids and self ready for school/work, drop them off and then head to work all before 7am. At 7:15am, Is my favorite part of the day- I had the privilege of opening the Village Academy’s secondary gates to greet the students. There I would receive smiles, hugs, fist bumps and many check in conversations. I miss the daily connection with my students. My students need it! Many come from homes where they are unable to form connections with their…
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# 24 She is Determined To Walk

Ms Shirley Owens has lived in Boynton Beach since July of 1992. Shirley is determined to walk, She has suffered two strokes. Immediately after.her strokes in 2017. She was wheelchair bound. Mrs Shirley has come to terms with her prosthetic eye. She is involved with one of the best Health Care Systems in Palm Beach County PACE. Mrs Owens is very high spirited and a real conversationalist.especially those talks involving her son. Mrs Shirley’s son retired from the Navy 5 years ago. He is now employed with the California Sheriff’s Office as a leader in Cold Cases. Mrs…
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Many people around me have been laid off. I’m currently looking for a job as I was let go right before the virus took off. However, it’s been difficult being able to do interviews and things because no one is actually in an office. And I don’t want to work a normal job like fast food or anything because I have a college degree. So I have been spending this time looking for jobs. I didn’t really take it seriously until I found out that someone from Riviera Beach died from it Coronavirus has taught me to be more clean…
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I’m normally inside, so being inside doesn’t bother. What does bother me is when I start running out of items and I go to the store and everyone is bulk buying things so they aren’t In the stores. When this whole thing started, I was on my last roll of toilet paper. Family dollar was empty. I called my sister, she didn’t have a lot, but she was able to give me a few rolls. I don’t like not being able to have access to the things. I don’t think it’s affecting me like everyone else as I am retired….
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# I’m woke Nigga

In my opinion this ain’t nothing but scare tactics. The government tryna scare us into spending money on stupid s*** like toilet paper.
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Hi my name is Darryl Sanders Jr. I am a freelance videographer/photography. I was firstly affected by the closing of venues due to the Corona Virus Outbreak which caused clients to cancel their events therefore forcing me to lose deposits from previously booked event. It has also effected my bookings because no one can have social gatherings for months ahead so i have no source of income to pay my bills at this time. Its also been hard finding groceries and proper sanitation products to keep my environment clean. Also my kids schooling has been effected been effected and i…
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Corona suck but social injustice is worse

Sadly corona is the last thing I am worried about right now with all this social injustice going on in the world, all 50 states are protesting literally and no one is worried about corona
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My son doesn’t live with his family anymore wptv news

Since the coronavirus has started my son has been going to his grandma‘s house Monday through Friday. The amount of work he gets from school at 6 to 8 hours my husband and I don’t see him until the weekend. And my son was OK with it at first but now he goes into the bathroom at his grandmothers house and cries he doesn’t want to be separated from his family and he’s literally shipped out of his house all week our family unit has been divided as I work full-time and his dad works full-time and neither of us…
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Covid Change

I now have to teach my students through virtual schooling. I miss being with them and seeing them daily.
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To hardships

My family income due to the virus is impacted as our only source of income is lyft
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I am a working man .This virus and the neglect that proceeded it is not right. This has cost everyone living in America. I value every word repeated by the government. I adhere to the stay at home laws.America has rose to this terrible virus. It is deadly!
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I was released from my university and forced to obtain a full time night shift job. I got this job because my mother need assistance with my other 5 siblings who had also been released from their educational institutions. It is unfair, and uncomfortable to not be able to receive my education anymore.
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Limited (Story #840)

The only thing changed is not being able to see my Dad side of the family as much as I use to. I live with my mom and my dad lives 1 hour away. I use to go every weekend but now they both are scared for me to travel with the fear of contracting the virus.
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Recovery (Story #654)

I truly believe that the government has a curve in a faster way of quarantining but they just want to tell us macaroni to be in my city is so small I think that this outbreak is causing a big impact in my community and we has worn out we are really not quarantining right way and people are losing their jobs money being lost and people are praying on the government stimulus chats I feel as if we need to come together as a community to talk over things and try to have a better way of quarantining because…
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Corona virus has helped me more than hurt me, my body gets to heal I’ve had a lingering shoulder injury so now I get to let that heal. I am sad that I can’t be at school around all my teammates and friends but I hope we get a cure and they don’t cancel the football season nor push it back
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Covid 19 changed the way people walk around. On my way to florida, we had to wear a mask all from North Carolina.
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The Coronavirus Journey

Being tested POSITIVE for the coronavirus is a grueling journey.The protocol for this outcome was isolation in my room for at least two full weeks. After that, I would have to be tested until I received two consecutive NEGATIVE results before I could return to the workplace. My room is upstairs and no one was allowed to entire without a mask and gloves on. The sources of nutrition were left at the bottom of the stairs for me, and once I was finishd eating, the dishes were put back on the stairs for removal. I felt like a leper. Slowly,…
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Death in the family

Today I feel totally heartbroken. My neighbor informed me that his daughter died from the virus. We had just talked about her a few weeks ago after he told me that his daughter had it. The last time that he talked to his daughter, she told him that she was ok and not to come to visit yet. I swear this virus doesn’t discriminate. She died as a result of caring for others with the virus in the hospital that she has worked in for more than 20 years. She followed the 14 day protocol…
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#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #249)

The corona virus has essentially ruined my senior year. It took away my opportunity to walk across the stage, attend my prom, and my senior trip. I also recently lost my job due to the corona virus as well.
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# Dinner Time

Coronavirus has made a huge impact on my family, we are spending more time together, eating dinner together etc.
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A New Reality: The Journey of a Second Grade Teacher Through the Pandemic

Hi. I’ll start at the beginning. I’m a elementary school teacher. A little more than two weeks ago I started to feel bad. Like I had the flu times 10. I wasn’t surprised because my children have been sick for over 3 weeks with the same symptoms as we’re talking about now. One I sent to the nurse had a high fever, wheezing, could barely stand up. He went home, and went to the hospital where they kept him overnight. He was out the next two days, then back in school, still…
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I am going through, moving forward, and discovery new activities.

I have not been able to participate in several of my favorite activities, swimming, Zumba Yoga and walking in the park. But I am encouraged , I read more, clean out my closets, (I am gathering things that I don’t need or want, and I am looking forward to getting them out of my space.) I am journaling, and I crotchet and I reach out to family and friends and friends who are family more frequently. (I text, call and/or email.) I spend quality listening to music.
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Bored in da house

It is very challenging, it seems like we’re in the same the same day everyday. My social life has decrease.
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Nursing Home live at Glades Health Care and we have zero cases of the virus.They are keeping us healthy
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Cory 19 impact my life is that I’m home not working can I pay all my bills miss all my friends social distance miss my family so it’s a lot to deal with but you know we have to do what we have to do and make sure that we are safe
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Elderly not forgotten

I am grateful and appreciative for the support of community in ensuring that the elderly are taken care of. Meals are delivered several times a week by various individuals. Neighbors are calling to offer encouragement and comfort. This is specially needed because some elderly ones live aloneOr no longer have relatives leaving nearly by or because of social distancing to care for their needs.
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They are a lot of people with out job, food they need help please
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Medical field

I work in the medical field and dealing with the corona virus has made my life very difficult these pass days. I work 12 hours a day at a nursing home making sure nobody is sick. Every day i am nervous about bringing any thing from work to my kids.
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