COVID-19 Project Story Collection

Residents were asked to “tell a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.” Explore 50 responses below, selected at random. Which responses capture your attention? (Some responses were transcribed by youth volunteers.) To learn more about the storyteller and how they interpreted their response, click “Zoom In.”

Something Scary

The coronavirus has impacted my life in a terrible way. Many if my friends and loved ones are unemployed due to the Coronavirus and are forced to adjust to a different lifestyle.
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hunkered down

I’m holed up with family at my parents house. No contact with anybody outside immediate family. spending lots of time online. Was going to the beach until public beaches were closed by County order.
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EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

The Year 2020 has been a roller coaster for me, due to COVID-19 I lost my job and it started to get hard for me to provide for myself or my family, on top of that my mother tested positive for Covid, I spent most of my time taking care of her and making sure she gets better. Even though the majority of the year wasn’t the best, I remained positive and still found a way to keep a smiled on my face, and that’s by surrounding myself with family and friends and always trying to turn this bad situation…
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I need help

Are used to work under the table when I can’t work under the table because I have a son and I can’t bring him with me that was the extra money to make me get through the whole month I’m not good at school work and I have anxiety issues and I’m not good at math or anything they gave him less it’s just really stressing me out and then I’m worried about my family health is a lot
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Not only has the coronavirus forced people to stay in their homes but it also led to many people losing work and not being able to pay their bills. I hope that everyone gets the money that they were promised by trump. I also hope that people find more ways to work from home because the more cases the harder it becomes to cure.
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25 (Story #308)

The corona virus has changed the way I work on my job . I am a teacher . Schools are closed . I am doing online teaching now . The virus has slowed the progress of my restaurant build out . I can’t visit friends and family Like I use to
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Horror movie

The corona virus has send me back home from school. I can’t workout and things just are very hard because I am away from my friends this is very scary because people are dying.
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Crazy (Story #552)

I would have been the 1st in my family to graduate and go off to school but the virus had pushing everything back to the the point I’m really not even going to college nobody have faith in me anymore
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What love Is?

The coronavirus has made me appreciate how valuable life is. Never before this generation experience a global pandemic of this magnitude. We can’t take for granted the seriousness of is situation we are in. To see health workers risk their lives to save others is truly a real expression of love. It must affect them emotionally, pysocologically as well as the fear,concern and anxiety it causes their family. The story of the Doctor facing a custody battle to keep her child in her life is heartbreaking. Yet she is willing to still put forth the effort to help others.
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Shifting for good.

This life altering event has already impacted my life in many ways. Some changes will have a short lifespan, while others will be part of my new norm. As a business owner, I have been hesitant to fully embrace the work from home model. My associates have always had the option, but I was strongly holding onto my office and my in-person meetings. Now I see that there is a better way. A more productive way that allows me to spend more time with my family and spend less time in a car contributing to traffic and pollution. My new…
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Social distancing (Story #328)

With this corona virus I haven’t been able to go out and get my medicine from the doctors so my daughter has been trying to get everything i need.
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Change. Nobody likes it. Sometimes though, we have to just go with the flow for the greater good of everyone. By no means is it easy being isolated from seeing friends that we’re used to seeing on a weekly basis or not going into work each day. The strange feeling of knowing that you can’t just go to a movie on the weekend or run to the grocery store to pick up one item with out having to put on a mask and gloves…It still seems surreal even after over 60 days of being quarantined at home. I’m used to…
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# 15 I Don’t Sit Around Waiting For Nobody To Do Nothing For Mattie Wallace

Mrs Wallace boastfully states that on September 01,I will be 93 years old! It is with that being said,Do you think that we should do something special for her? Mrs Wallace says that she has never had a hospital stay and she and her adult children are trying to make sure that she doesn’t have one with this virus.This is awful for the Country and everywhere else! I go out to buy grocery and doctor visits only!Just make sure you keep your hands clean and wear a mask. Mrs Wallace is still in charge of her home(where she has…
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Its impacted my life alot. I work from home now. I fear for my childrens and my health everyday. I fear our residents and employees will be affected in a negative way. A lot of stress
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Financial crisis

It has severely cut the hours I am able to work. I do not receive pay for the hours I am not working. Therefore, it’s caused a lot of anxiety and stress about how bills will be paid long term. I’m wondering how I can get another job in this time of crisis. Even if it means working at McDonalds.
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Count our blessings

I am feeling better now and all I can do is to stay focus on the needs of our children, families and staff. I am doing just that while trying to keep up with daily update at the state and local level pertaining to the virus. I attended various online meetings using Zoom and I am enjoying them. This online meeting could be the new normal for us at For The Children Inc. It is a learning curve and we are learning as much as we can to continue to keep our children and parent engage. We are in this…
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No Man Is an Island

I am an eighty two old diabetic that lives with my sister and brother in law. I am totally blind and suffer from extreme nephropathy and have difficulty with mobility. I have limited socialization and look forward to the socialization through attending church and the monthly senior activity sponsored by the Community Caring Center. The Stay at Home order has made it more difficult to have the socialization that is needed for elderly people.
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The new norm

It’s required me work remotely full-time. I’m truly understanding the importance of being technologically knowledgeable and adaptable. Being able to change with the time is important.
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10 (Story #40)

This virus has put me in a situation where I have to think about how I’m going to pay my bills my hours at work have been cut and I have kids to take care of but with this Coronavirus our here is putting stress on me a I’m beginning to become depressed . I have to stretch my money so my kids can have a meal and supplies in the house
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A lost senior

Hello I’m a senior. I was so excited for my senior year I understand that all the stuff I payed for wasn’t really anyone’s fault but. Every time I look on the news it’s never about seniors. I was a senior with 27 credits and only needed .5 more to graduate. I’m transitioning into signing up for collage and getting ready to pick my path. And all of this is just being left in the air. No one is telling me what to do or how to get ready for the next step. I’m so afraid of missing something. My…
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Well, things are very different for us all. This time has allowed My Family to become closer. Not being able to do the normal things you would have taught us how to stay home, cook more, and save money.
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# 18 She hails from Lake Wales,FL

Mrs Eva Bowers is a divorced 79 year old, She has become a pastor in the AME church. And she is a white woman. Mrs Bowers has lived in Alaska,South Dakota,Clewiston and Belle Glade as a public school Teacher with 4 children to raise. She recalls it being tough with those 3 boys and 1 guide them on the right path as a single Parent. She is a Florida girl and hails from Lake Wales Florida. Mrs Bowers,brother William Keen,passed in 2011 as a 5th generational Rancher. Since his passing,Mrs Bowers is a partial owner of lots of acres…
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#51 Nobody Has Changed Their Ways

When I First heard mention of the Corona Virus ,I was scared, I began to call everyone of my Church members to share with info on the virus. In early March. I self-quarantine. I was unable to keep anything on my stomach and i couldn’t sleep. I thought this was a suicide mission for those that lived in the heart of Boynton because they aren’t adhering to the order set forth by the City or County to protect your face…No One wears facial protection on my street. Nobody has changed their ways.It will die down> Hopefully,we will come out…
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Home Alone.. with kids

Currently I am working home full time while trying to maintain 3 school aged kids. My youngest is in 1st grade and had limited reading/spelling and computer skills without needing constant attention. This is very frustrating.
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#29 The Seniors Did What They Asked Of Them

Mr Angelo Perruccio comes to Boynton Beach from upstate New York with his wife (Faith).Mr Angelo was proud to share that his Granddaughter(from their daughter who died) will deliver twin boys in November. What delight that brought to their voices.The Perruccio’s says that the Seniors did what was asked of them. It appears that no other generations were listening to the Leadership following the rules in this pandemic They opened up everything now look what has happened!!!! The entire Palm Beach County is pretty much a hotspot! The Perrucio’s must be careful during this epidemic. They…
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Ms. Kayleen Marti lives in Boynton Beach. She is 37 years old. Kayleen has a 2 year old son. He is very active.Ms Marti takes care of her older her neighbors.Kayleen is a graduate of FCC in cosmetology. She hasn’t taken the licensed yet.Ms Marti says she doesn’t have adequate childcare.She earns extra money by cleaning others homes on Monday and Friday. Ms Marti is very conscientious of the pandemic and she pratice social distancing.Kayleen Marti needs assistance with her ELECTRIC and WATER.
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It Gets Better Later

The corona virus has impacted my life by ruining my senior year i couldn’t really enjoy school for the remaining of the year we didn’t have no senior prom , grad bash , And most importantly not even graduation. Corona virus even killed one of my close friend mom it was a devastating moment because it came out of no where and it was to late to even cherish the last moment we had with her . It continues to impact my life because the world has been caged in and it’s like you can’t enjoy life no more .
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Grieving Alone

My father passed away on March 31 of heart failure. He was alone in the hospital room when he should have been surrounded by family. By the time the hospital called my mom to tell her he was not going to make it, it was too late. She arrived at the hospital 10 minutes after he passed. We should have all gathered at our parents’ home and held each other and grieved. Instead, we stood 6 ft. away from our mother on her porch while she sat there and cried.
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Family time (Story #734)

The Corona virus has gave me an opportunity to work from home, this time has let me spend more time with my family.
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Introduced to the COVID-19

I decided to take a mental health week away from work. During that time I took a brisk walk several days,. Although I felt a bit winded I contributed it to being out of shape. I heard about this out of control virus going on in the world but didn’t think much of it. I began feeling symptoms of some kind of ailments. My PCP. He prescribed me a Z-pack and encouraged me to drink a lot of liquids. I developed some new symptoms seemingly designated as the COVID-19 virus growing every day like gossip all over the world….
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#69 It brings tears to my eyes

Mrs Tucker’s immediate response was America is way over the top! never thought that I would see America looking as a third world country.. This brings tears to my eyes. I came here for opportunity.Now I have lost a husband since being here. I cannot seem to get over the lost I only way out of this is kneeling for prayer.
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Bigger than corona

The corona virus made me miss my college senior graduation which really sucks, but I feel as if there are way bigger problems in the world today .. hopefully we get a cure for all of this but the main problem is injustice
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Multiple-family social distancing

When we first heard about social distancing it sounded overwhelming to think that we would be away from extended family and friends for an undetermined length of time. A good friend and I decided that we would combine our families and social distance together. We made a commitment that we would not expose ourselves or our families to other people outside of our 10 person combined family. This has afforded us the opportunity to have the children play together, go to each other’s houses for a break, get some work done when necessary and have social interaction with people other…
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She had planned to spend sometime with her cousins in Miramar. However, because of Miramar’s Stay-at-home Order,she was unable to spend some quality time with family during the Easter Holiday.She is an 85 yr old widow. However, she has a strong support of family in Virginia and Canada. It is her niece, in Virginia, that orders grocery for her based on what she likes and prefers. She is adhering to the ordinances that have been set forward by the State, And has no strong opinion on the proposed outcome of the Corona Virus settling. Her neighbors keep a watchful eye…
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Coronavirus has taken a toll of the whole entire world things are being shut down it kind of miss has been losing money government has been sending out stimulus chats I truly believe that we are in this war zone – dad is going down in history and what is being said I hope I make it to my family has been doing good quarantine thing has been going to right way I truly hope that in a couple months we all look outside and look at what has been in the past and how quarantine has been delivering us…
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It made my life so boring, all i literally do is play the game, workout, or on facetime. I want to facetime literally, in person.
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Corona vs Humans

The Coronavirus Have Impacted My Life While I Was In College. Coronavirus Has Stopped My From Going To College For The Following Spring Semester. It Also Stopped Me From Running Track My First Year Of College. After They Sent Us Home It Was Hard To Find A Job. I Couldn’t Pay For My Phone Bill. I Couldn’t Workout With Friends Without Being Protected Because You Never Know Who Has It. Coronavirus Separated Me From My Friends And Family. It Has Cancelled All Vacation Plans I Wanted To Go To And Still Want To Go.
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#49 I hope my Community Is safe:

She is a 79 yrs old Boynton resident and loves everything country. She feels that the Corona Virus is scaryI She hopes her neighborhood and community are safe,she sits outside daily near her front door with other family members. Her prays that hr younger son is safe while he is in a state institutionHer oldest son makes sure she has all that is required during this pandemic.
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#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #249)

The corona virus has essentially ruined my senior year. It took away my opportunity to walk across the stage, attend my prom, and my senior trip. I also recently lost my job due to the corona virus as well.
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Social distancing (Story #365)

The corona virus has impacted my life in a strange way.I work as a busser at a restaurant and is currently unemployed due to social distancing.
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Rapid Changes

The corona virus has changed my method of teaching to remote, from home. I miss all of my students, but was able to meet with one third of my class this morning on Google Meet. My two college-aged daughters had to move out of their sorority house and dorm to come home and do online courses through the summer. Things have certainly changed overnight!
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A Hard 2020!

The lack of family interaction has been a major impact in my life. I have a 3 year old grandson and my stepdaughter is due with another grandson in July. For risk of infection, we can only facetime or talk through the windows. I also have a daughter who is graduating May 2nd from FSU, who had her heart set on walking across the stage, ut can’t.
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#26 I Just Don’t Know

She had a total knee replacement 3 yrs ago . She has suffered with pain and the ability to not be able to be independent at the age of 73 yrs old as result of her knee surgery, She has been limited movement and has been at home for the exception of Dr.’s appts .Her feeling about the virus are I just don’f know. Her daughter provides her all her needs .She feels extremely safe at home.
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How Coronavirus Impacted My Life

The Coronavirus has impacted my life in multiple ways. My daily activities as modified. I have to take precaution everywhere and with everyone. My work life and family life has changed. They way we shop has changed. I no longer eat out or visit places with large crowds. My business has even taken a impact. My daughter is a high school senior and her senior year has been ruined, no Grad Night, Prom and possibly graduation may not take place. The lines at the stores are long and many of them are out of supplies and its difficult to obtain…
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COVID-19 has impacted my life by changing the entire nature of my senior year. The last semester of your senior year is meant to be the most rewarding and memorable part of high school. Having my graduation, prom, senior nights, and grad parties taken from me has been extremely difficult to deal with. I have found myself struggling more and more with what I like to call corona depression, everyday is a challenge but I’m glad to be taking said challenge. Luckily I have been able to go back to work and I feel as though I can finally see…
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In search of

My entire way of life has changed. The way I live, the way I move around my community, what I wear when I go outside of my home, the way that I worship all has changed. I ask myself, what is this new normal and will I ever feel safe again? The only thing that I can come up with is uncertainty.
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It takes me away from my kids because I have to work due to the fact that I am a RN. My son wants to workout but he can’t it’s all a process that we have to over come
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Hi I’m from Miami Florida I go to school at UCFHi I’m from Miami Florida I go to school at UCF him for the bills see you I hope this year coronavirus don’t impact my football season due to the counseling NBA season I would like to play my singing year I truly believe that coronavirus has put outbreak and put a pause on the world freezing everything NFL and NBA season has been a whole NFL has been questionable in college football has taken a toll that I’ve been online classes sense since the virus has hit around…
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