Instead of becoming consumed by irrational fear (healthy fear is good, as it keeps us safe), the Coronavirus has all but forced me to stop and reevaluate both personal and business goals that I otherwise wouldn’t have taken time to think about. At first, I kept trying to keep up with all of the other business owners who were making massive pivots to adjust to the online switch. I was feeling really stressed out about it, until I realized that this wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing at this time. I was meant to be planning for the post-Coronavirus world. So, I shifted gears and have been spending the time getting my personal and business houses in order. By stepping away from the mad digital rush, I began to notice opportunities and pathways I hadn’t even considered before. I also started focusing on those areas that I had been afraid to look into before (like my credit!). By handling these things now, I put myself in a healthier position to be able to adjust to whatever the economic landscape will become.I say all of that to say: don’t feel like you HAVE to do something at this time. Sometimes ideas/profits do have to be chased down with a club…but often times the best ideas come from just stopping long enough for your brain to process what’s going on.
It’s Okay To Pause
Note: Responses which fell closer to the middle (between two or three options) are shown as two dashes.