Coronavirus continues to impact my life due to the schools being closed down, as well as the colleges. I am an Academic Tutor as well as an Afterschool Counselor, when the schools closed down the pay stopped due to not clocking in as I would before the pandemic. Its hard to get help with online courses for me because I have multiple questions that I feel need face to face answers, but I still try to do it to my best ability because this is what I have to work with for now. It sucks because you never realize how much you miss something until missing it is your only option.
Age: 18-30
How COVID-19 Has Been Impacting My Live :
COVID-19 has turned my life a bit upside down, as it has for many. My boyfriend and I both work in tech, for two different platforms in the hiring industry. When the Stay at Home regulations began across the country, my company was flooded with cancellations. We specialize in restaurants and hospitality, so it’s understandable that as a hiring tool we’d be one of the first services cut as these companies try to stay afloat. My company is a very small startup, so this hit us hard from the get-go. We immediately cut salaries across the board and cancelled bonus plans, with our C-level execs forgoing paychecks entirely to keep us afloat. Our next ‘phase’ is moving to rolling 1-2 week mandatory unpaid vacations, cycling through each employee as long as we can keep our finances in a place to avoid layoffs.My boyfriend works for one of the largest hiring platforms in the world, and they have a number of different revenue channels, so we figured his job would be safe even if mine was not. After 7 years of working there, he was very unceremoniously laid offalong with more than half of the companyin an effort to manage costs amidst their drastic decline in sales. As long as our losses continue to stay steady, my company may actually avoid layoffs and the unpaid vacations entirely. With the flexibility of a small team and the government assistance programs being implemented, we’re in a scary-but-decent position. I never thought my tiny tech startup would be the one to come out of this relatively ok! It’s been interesting to see how companies with similar clients and offerings are managing this time so differently. We definitely are in a crazy point in history but will all get through it together.
Community (Story #606)
Coronavirus has put a major impact on my community people are losing jobs stem of this chat is not helping a lot of people are not in control of their homes at the moment I believe that this quarantining thing need to show a better improvement around my community we we still have a large number of cases in the area and we just trying to figure out a better solution I think we should all come together as one and try to help think of a better way
Selfless act
As a essential worker this pandemic have impact my mental being because I have to work more and give time and also take care of others around me. I have to neglect my niece and nephew because of this virus no hugs or kisses from them.
I cant go nowhere and I have to Be in the house all day.
Covid 19 changed the way people walk around. On my way to florida, we had to wear a mask all from North Carolina.
Limited (Story #590)
The virus causes limitations. This is the first time im visiting Belle Glade/Pahokee, and all ive been is in the house. I was hoping to explore more than i seen
The new norm
Its required me work remotely full-time. Im truly understanding the importance of being technologically knowledgeable and adaptable. Being able to change with the time is important.
Less working
Paying my bills stoping my job
My story (Story #560)
The coronavirus has clearly affected everyone in so many way. In my case, I have had a lot of time to truly think about myself. Before this pandemic started, I was not in the best mental state. I had a lot of family problems and really needed a break from all of it. While the quarantine is making me stay home with my family, I have a lot of time to decompress and focus on me and what really matters. Family problems still happen but I feel I am able to cope with it all a little better due to the time I have to really think.