Age: 31-40

Gratitude Amidst Chaos

As a State employee, it has been quite disorienting. I’ve begun working remotely, faced the stress of many technical issues while trying to process and respond to various incident reports of those with special needs – from covid-19 cases, deaths, elopements, behavior issues, and incidents that are unspeakable as well. Alone. No colleagues to turn around and vent to, a usually very accessible boss is now over her eyeballs with communications with State and Legislature officials. My church family as I affectionately call them, as they serve as a bigger support system than my blood family, we are no longer congregating in person. My parents lost their jobs so my mind is full of worry for their wellbeing. One of my best friends, a preschool teacher at our church… because her dad’s cancer is so aggressive now, the doctor has asked her to move out of her parents house immediately for at least 6 months. I feel helpless because my 450 sqft, one bedroom tiny house that I’m renting cannot accommodate. There’s also the issue of careless neighbors who party loudly all night because they’re out of work now as well. Still, through it all I am beyond grateful for my job, for my health, for enough provisions in my home, running water and power and wifi, for the company of my wonderful dog, and most of all for my God who gives me so much peace when I need it most and in the midst of chaos.

Got me a job

The virus has impacted me in a good way sort of . I have found a job at a warehouse due to the need for workers and is waiting on a stimulus check.

Pandemic (Story #214)

With the whole pandemic going on i been in the house trying to stay safe. Ive been watching the news and see everything thats going on in my community and its crazy to see something like this.

Pandemic affect

It has caused an enormous amount of stress for me in many ways. And has impacted the life’s of my family and myself. with the schools being closed, I’ve been forced to cut hours at work. Which has created another problem. (Financially ) I have also notice my utilities has gone up significantly due to the stay in home order. The kids are are not fully engaging into virtual learning. Most kids are hands on learners and are used to school like environments. witnessing my children which are a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader confined has been quite overwhelming for the whole entire family. And being a single parent has only added extra stress.

The Uncertainty

The end of February when we (our country) realized that we needed to get what we need because the world as we know it was beginning to be wash away and the expectation of what to come was uncertain I was prepared on how to get purchase what is needed somewhat because I live in a hurricane state but the adjustment of this new life is challenging because we don’t know what to become of the new world


The virus has impacted my life by not allowing me to go anywhere. I have things to do and was planning on moving to Gainesville but now its all on a stand still due to the fact that everyone has to stay home.

Medical field

I work in the medical field and dealing with the corona virus has made my life very difficult these pass days. I work 12 hours a day at a nursing home making sure nobody is sick. Every day i am nervous about bringing any thing from work to my kids.

Handling adversity as a start up non-profit

Covid-19 has been a tough on All Nets Inc, we were just beginning to gain traction with our tutoring and mentoring program, and a week into our pilot Palm Beach County Schools began school closures. This immediately put our basketball clinic and celebration with Healthier Glades risk and set us up for a much more strife when it was officially cancelled. Months of planning and preparation were reduced to nothing. We are trying to stay positive, and find ways to still complete our mission, and still looking at ways in which we can build a tutoring and mentoring program that will not be affected by contact restrictions in our communities, because even though we are not in school there is no school, there is still a need to be in our children’s ears, and providing positive content and a positive message. We intend to find a way to facilitate this before this quarantine is up. These trying circumstances are just a test of your mission and a test of your resolve. We have to be innovative in the ways we rebuild. It take resilience, innovation, and a refusal to quit on your business whether we are able to get financial assistance or not there is always a way forward and we have to find it, because like all things this too shall pass.

Humble Awakening

The CoronaVirus has turkey been a humbling experience for me and my family. I’m blessed to continue working being an essential employee, but the effect on our daily lives have been impacted. I like to look at the positives and use the opportunity to bond with self, love on family members, evaluate life, and appreciate the things we take for granted.