I bearly have time to go shopping and my work is almost closing
Age: 31-40
Dynamic Pandemic
It made me realize that hard times are real & life is so much more serious.
A little help
I just need a little bit of food
Together Always
My wife, daughter and I spend more time together than ever. Reason being, is that we work together and now with the cancellation of school, my daughter spends the days at work with us. The coronavirus pandemic has not been all bad.
Concern about the corona virus crisis
This crisis make us scare everyone. We are unable to hug friend and family. This crisis turn the world upside down no one knows when it’s going over
Pandemic (Story #372)
When I first found out about the corona virus, I thought that It was going to stay in China and not spread to the United States, I had no idea the horror that lied ahead. Firstly, I heard that It was in my country, then my state, then my county. Soon enough, a kid that goes to palm beach county schools ended up with the corona virus, so the governor decided to close all schools in Palm Beach County. This news came to me with a shock. I was in my math class when doing my work when my teacher said that we have 2 weeks off from school due to the corona virus, but then weeks turned into months and here we are. To be honest, when I heard that the corona virus has spread across the world, the feeling of worry spread all the way across my face.
Do school from home for students is a bit different for some kids because they are used to being at school physically. Teachers contact their students through google meet or google zoom on the computers that they have at home or the school computers that their school has given them. The students get their assignments every week from every-single class. Some classes give a little bit of work and others give a lot of work. The students still have deadlines to turn in their assignments. Most classes have attendance, but they use different types of attendance, like interesting questions for you to answer or the just have you fill out an online sheet that asks you if you’re present.
Due to the corona virus i have to watch my kids at home. The price of food these days is crazy and i do not receive government Assistance. Not saying i dont want to feed my kids im just saying they need to get these kids back in school.
I have to wear a mask wherever I go because of where I work. I make sure to use Hand sanitizer after I’m done working and I also make sure to take extra long showers before my family gets home. We all also take our temperatures to make sure everyone is healthy and hasn’t been infected.
Essential work
I work at the bank and due to the virus i have to be very careful with handling money. Germs spread fast through money and I wouldnt want to take anything back to my home.