Audience: Friends and family


Do school from home for students is a bit different for some kids because they are used to being at school physically. Teachers contact their students through google meet or google zoom on the computers that they have at home or the school computers that their school has given them. The students get their assignments every week from every-single class. Some classes give a little bit of work and others give a lot of work. The students still have deadlines to turn in their assignments. Most classes have attendance, but they use different types of attendance, like interesting questions for you to answer or the just have you fill out an online sheet that asks you if you’re present.

Number 1.

Lost hours of work. That involves money paying Bill’s. Buying grocery.


Many of the restaurants that I got to allow pick up and delivery which makes it convenient because we won’t have contact. Many stores end up getting so crowded that now many stores have limits on the number of people allowed in stores.


Not only has the coronavirus forced people to stay in their homes but it also led to many people losing work and not being able to pay their bills. I hope that everyone gets the money that they were promised by trump. I also hope that people find more ways to work from home because the more cases the harder it becomes to cure.

Essential work

I work at the bank and due to the virus i have to be very careful with handling money. Germs spread fast through money and I wouldn’t want to take anything back to my home.


So many people have died and many been infected. There aren’t enough supplies for hospitals and many hospitals are at their full capacities and don’t have room for any more patients. I try not to think about what would happen if I or someone in my family caught the coronavirus.

It’s Okay To Pause

Instead of becoming consumed by irrational fear (healthy fear is good, as it keeps us safe), the Coronavirus has all but forced me to stop and reevaluate both personal and business goals that I otherwise wouldn’t have taken time to think about. At first, I kept trying to keep up with all of the other business owners who were making massive pivots to adjust to the online switch. I was feeling really stressed out about it, until I realized that this wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing at this time. I was meant to be planning for the post-Coronavirus world. So, I shifted gears and have been spending the time getting my personal and business houses in order. By stepping away from the mad digital rush, I began to notice opportunities and pathways I hadn’t even considered before. I also started focusing on those areas that I had been afraid to look into before (like my credit!). By handling these things now, I put myself in a healthier position to be able to adjust to whatever the economic landscape will become.I say all of that to say: don’t feel like you HAVE to do something at this time. Sometimes ideas/profits do have to be chased down with a club…but often times the best ideas come from just stopping long enough for your brain to process what’s going on. 🙂

Single Mother Struggle during COVID19

I have been out of work and unable to pay my bills on time as I also have a hard time feeding myself and my 6 year old son who is also in school remotely.


Many stores have recently shut down and there are still many things I need to get in order to be prepared throughout quarantine. When I do leave my home there aren’t really many people outside or in stores. The coronavirus has changed everything even how people shop. Now many people order things online and have them delivered a lot more due to this epidemic.

Peace through the Storm

So far my family has lost 3 members, for the most part everyone is staying safe as possible. Major change to work life.