Audience: Friends and family

#40 I gave her flowers while she was living:

She is adhering to the ordinances of the land. However, She has osteoporosis and she is a former business owner, She has always been recognized as the first African-American florist in Boynton Beach. She has lost a friend of 52 yers to the Covid19, she has fond memories of her , She plans to name a garden in her memory. She also named others who have died from this PANDEMIC and attend her church.She is a


There is nothing that can be done about the Virus especially under this administration, I follow the rules. I have plenty to do at home. Although, I go out when I need too. Hope and praying is the key,I lost my 84 yr old oldest Sister to the Virus on March 25th and she will have graveside services on April 20th. It took awhile because her husband was also diagnosed with the Virus . He is a survivor.Her two(2) daughters are essential workers , She has one as a traveling Nurse in Georgia and the other works as a driver for Fed-Ex. She says that I keep them in Pray!

#35 Social Gatherings

My adult children have been catering to my needs to prevent me from leaving the house I am 72 yrs old with chronic symptoms. I miss my social gatherings with others my peers.MY CHILDREN ARE HANDLING THE GROCERY,ANY OTHER MEALS NEEDED, AND BILLS THAT NEED PAYING.i do miss my meals being delivered.

#34 (Story #198)

He and his wife of over 50 years moved here from New York. They both have recovered from lung cancer. It is very important that they adhere to the ordinances set forward locally,statewide and nationally.Their daughter lives about 4 miles from them . She does all of their shopping and errands .They were receiving meals from CCC for appx 7 years. But, no meals today!

#34 (Story #197)

I was frightened by the symptoms given for the Covid19 due to me having a cough, But I am alright..I leave alone but have many friends here in Boynton. She is 85 yrs old and has always held her own. She tends to adhere to all safety rules . She however, could use cooked meals .She would like to begin again visiting loved ones in our local Nursing homes.

#23 I need a Haircut

I am my 93 yr old Father’s caregiver. I am 71 yrs old. My Father’s sister is hospitalized with the Corona Virus in South Carolina along with her daugher and granddaughter. I have a cousin in Georgia afflicted with this virus and another cousin in Mew York who died Saturday. His wife is also hospitalized and her condition is grave. I need to loosen up but I am until to do so presently. Safety [s a major concern using wipes , sanitizer and facial mask are as necessary as grocery staples. She is coping with her Father’s Dementia, He is constantly asking her When am I going to get a haircut? Because ,after his haircut He visits his girlfriend in Lake Worth,FL.

#19 Who could be that MEAN?

This is one of the most compelling stories . She did not realize how devastating this Virus is/was..Until it took her oldest Sister.s life on a Wednesday in the middle of March. Her sister did not wake up that morning. She thought who could be that MEAN?? This is not an act of the ALMIGHTY. She is very agitated with our national leader. Because,our national leader mentioned that the Virus started in January of 2020. This is false information, she states. By the way, her sister’s husband also tested positive for the Virus. But he is a survivor.Her interment has been postponed until next weekend.

Living through coronavirus

The corona virus has impacted my life through numerous ways:1. I have had to complete my internship remotely2. My aunt became infected with the corona virus, which stressed my family out in the beginning but now we are relying heavily on faith3. I have had to cautious about where I travel and my surrounding because my dad is at risk of catching the corona virus4. I haven’t seen my baby nephew in a month because he is also at risk for catching the corona virus5. I have had walk the bridge for exercise due to the gym being closed6. I am constantly sanitizing my hands to reduce risk

#16 No vaccine

It’s getting adjusted to staying home that bothers me .I go to the gym daily, enjoyed attending church and senior activites w/field trips. The lonliness is driving me crazy at 76 years of age.But it is for the safety and good of the community. The streets are empty and I love walking but I will remain safe in my house, The only place that I must go ; is to get grocery for only me. Florida is heavily populated with Seniors and the Governor should have made the rules more stricter sooner. Because,there is no vaccine.

#18 The Great Unknown

Her favorite cousin’s husband transitioned at a Nursing Home in Chicago,ILL from the Corona Virus.The impact right now is extremely overwhelming for her. She is unable to see her 11 yr old and 13 yr old Grands. Her Son,who is unemployed, due to the Virus, Because,he is employed as an entertainer.This virus,she says, has changed her entire life! she is so baffled. This has so swiftly taken over our lives, It.s like a World War …The Great Unknown! So,she continues her gardening to attract the most beautiful Florida butterflies including my favorite,The Monarch. This is a hobby that keeps her mind geared to her strong Faith and Goodness! She is having a tough time with food. I have a someone who will assist her with food for the remainder of the month!