Audience: Friends and family

Count our blessings

I am feeling better now and all I can do is to stay focus on the needs of our children, families and staff. I am doing just that while trying to keep up with daily update at the state and local level pertaining to the virus. I attended various online meetings using Zoom and I am enjoying them. This online meeting could be the new normal for us at For The Children Inc. It is a learning curve and we are learning as much as we can to continue to keep our children and parent engage. We are in this together and we will rise up victorious as the end of this pandemic.

10 (Story #64)

The coronavirus have infected my life a lot I am very depressed I do the crossing guard for the school and I’m not getting paid and only the teachers getting paid they say we going to go by April 15th but that’s no guarantee because I’m I got a very good feeling it’s only a month left for school to May 30th so they probably not going to even go back I don’t know how I’m going to pay my next bill I don’t know what the next time you coming from because most of the crossing guards get pensions and they get Social Security Im only 60 so I don’t get my Social Security yet so my little cross and got money is the only little money that I have to depend on how I take care of my grandson with mental problems he’s a challenge to so I’m trying to keep his spirits up why is he out of school and I’m trying to do the best that I could not knowing what a next dime coming from but it’s very hard to smile when you got all these bills coming from week to week and you don’t know where the next time it’s coming from and I rate my story a 10

I need help

Are used to work under the table when I can’t work under the table because I have a son and I can’t bring him with me that was the extra money to make me get through the whole month I’m not good at school work and I have anxiety issues and I’m not good at math or anything they gave him less it’s just really stressing me out and then I’m worried about my family health is a lot

EJSEJ20 – Trying to stay positive!

This virus and the hysteria that came with it has came and shock up my entire world. This virus has made me stop and look around at all the things that are extremely important and all the things that aren’t. In other words it has given me a better perspective of what I may have been taking for granted. A good thing that it did was remind everyone of how important relationships are and having a sense of community is vital during times like this. Between work and family I am just trying to stay updated and prepared for whatevers next. It has slowed down life for me and but our operations on hold as an organization. This is still relatively new as we are only in our 2nd full week of quarantine and don’t have a end in sight.

hunkered down

I’m holed up with family at my parents house. No contact with anybody outside immediate family. spending lots of time online. Was going to the beach until public beaches were closed by County order.

Nursing home life

I live at b a nursing home. We can not receive visits. Our daily life is just about as normal as a nursing home can be. They are making sure that all of our helpers are not ill. They take our temperature twice a day and. Limit our clients are contact.

My scarry life

The corona virus impacted my life,I was scheduled for my nclex exam at the end of March.The virus shut off the nursing examination,I was so determined to study.Now,with unemployement stayed everyday at home stressfull watching the news,make me more scared also the future of my children in this world.In my community, the office is shutted down,the people are scared each other.