Community: Belle Glade

Nene story

The coronavirus has a big impact on me because I can not going to school


Coronavirus has taken a toll on my community stores have been closed for over a month now things are looking bad my community has been on the news with a high coronavirus case within a small community I feel as if that we are not quarantine in the right way and we are taking it for a vintage the government need to seize another we are quarantining in my community I think we should all come together as one and discuss how can we get over this coronavirus and the glaze

Restaurant (Story #645)

Coronavirus has run to pick and pack in my life I’m a big guy and I love to eat I play football at University of Central Florida and with everything I’ve been closed out all the good restaurants I’m currently losing weight which I’m happy and sad about I like to die Nana eat my food so to see some of the restaurants opening up but came down and I still don’t get to enjoy my food I want to quarantine and has been taken at all upon me and I just want to eat good again Can’t can the government let things open back up faster

School (Story #600)

Coronavirus has stopped me from going to school and participating in summer classes I struggle with taking online classes for the spring or sometime in May and my family decided that we will no longer participate in summer classes in my community Bellglade we have a problem with quarantining and things are turning upside down I truly believe coronavirus I started it operate in my community and only we can fix it.

Community (Story #606)

Coronavirus has put a major impact on my community people are losing jobs stem of this chat is not helping a lot of people are not in control of their homes at the moment I believe that this quarantining thing need to show a better improvement around my community we we still have a large number of cases in the area and we just trying to figure out a better solution I think we should all come together as one and try to help think of a better way

Death in the family

Today I feel totally heartbroken. My neighbor informed me that his daughter died from the virus. We had just talked about her a few weeks ago after he told me that his daughter had it. The last time that he talked to his daughter, she told him that she was ok and not to come to visit yet. I swear this virus doesn’t discriminate. She died as a result of caring for others with the virus in the hospital that she has worked in for more than 20 years. She followed the 14 day protocol to self isolate but she should have went to the hospital immediately. I can’t imagine how many people did the same thing and lost their lives as a result of it. What’s so scary about it is that she is only a year older than me and I’m in my 40’s. This virus is destroying families and we as a country have no clue as to how to protect ourselves from it. What is so strange is that his son-in-law had it first and he recovered but she didn’t. I am begging people to please take care of themselves and don’t sleep on this virus.


Covid 19 changed the way people walk around. On my way to florida, we had to wear a mask all from North Carolina.

Limited (Story #590)

The virus causes limitations. This is the first time i’m visiting Belle Glade/Pahokee, and all i’ve been is in the house. I was hoping to explore more than i seen


My job has completely stopped. I have been out of work for about 2 weeks, and been living off my savings and stimulus check. This money was suppose to be used for my daughter car as award. This sucks

No change

The virus really did not effect me that much, other having to wear a mask and gloves while i’m at work. I never really hung around a large group of people so social distancing was easy. I really see no difference