The CORVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the route of my familys daily activities. In order to keep our family and community safe from the coronavirus, weve had to be receptive and adapt. Im a single working mom with three children (1, 5, and 8) and Im an MBA graduate student. Initially, the lifestyle changes were very overwhelming and challenging. In the beginning stages of the pandemic, my family experienced a death in the family. There was concern for the funeral arrangements due to the coronavirus. On the day of the funeral, the executive order of ten individuals or less was not mandated. However, there were still modifications to the arrangements for public safety. Our family opted not to host a repast to gather and fellowship, instead to-go dinners were provided to all that attended the funeral. It was an odd feeling to not stay for a traditional repast to celebrate the life of our loved one while consoling family and friends.Weeks prior, an announcement was made that schools for grades K-12 were suspended until further notice. As a working mom, childcare is a necessity to be able to work and provide for my family. My 1-year olds daycare opened their facility to grade school kids that were misplaced due to school closures. This was truly a blessing, but a couple of weeks later the daycare made an announcement that they were closing their doors to keep the staff and children safe until further notice. In order to keep working, I had to send my two oldest kids to Georgia to be with my mom. My 1 year old was able to stay with her dad during the day while he teleworked from home. During this time, my University announced campus closures and the transition to online classes.After two weeks of submitting a request to telework from home, it was approved! Even though my children were in good hands, I was eager to return them home and to able to help them with distance learning school. Then again, I had no idea how challenging it would be to telework with two children attending live classes twice a day, attend to my 1 year old, and attend a demanding online graduate class. Not knowing what to expect, the first week was extremely unorganized and challenging. There were missed assignments, I got caught up with telework and forgot to log one child into live class, lunch was served late, house was a mess, etc. We have since established a routine and balance to this new way of living, but it is still a challenging process. Nevertheless, Im blessed Im still able to work and provide for my family.Another adjustment to our lifestyle is how we attend worship service. We now attend worship services and bible study via Facebook live. I really miss attending church with my family and worshiping with my church family.It also stressful going to the grocery store not being able to find necessities for the family like toiletries and having a limitation on buying meats and produce. I cant leave the children at home alone, so I must take them with me to the grocery store. We all wear mask and the trips are quick, but I dont like taking them into crowded spaces. Over the past weeks, I have slowly seen improvement with challenge of finding necessities. Even though there has been many changes, challenges and struggles adapting to the impacts of the CORVID-19 pandemic, there are some positives. For instance, Im able to spend more quality time with my family. Instead of waking up early to get myself and three kids ready for work and school, I wake up early to make breakfast. Instead of rushing home from work and school to cook dinner, we can take walks together in the evening after having an early dinner to get out of being in the house all day. I also noticed a savings from not having to commute to work and school, also from not eating out and less entertainment activities. Also, a mini family vacation was planned for the spring and summer, which had to be cancelled. Sadly, those mini vacations were something we looked forward to attending for a while. Society and my family crave returning to their life of normalcy before the pandemic of CORVID-19, and it will happened in due time. However, as I watch the news, I hear concern about the upcoming forecast of a very active hurricane season. So, I just take one day at a time, pray, stand fast in faith, and count my blessings.
Community: Boynton Beach
Life Interrupted
Well my husband was temporarily laid off and we were applying for unemployment and have had many worries about money but we are grateful to be healthy, we are staying home so we will will stay healthy.
College life
Im in college and the corona virus has sent me back home closing campus. I lost my job on campus and now has to depend on my parents. Also the college students dont qualify for the stimulus checks for some reason.
Social distancing (Story #328)
With this corona virus I havent been able to go out and get my medicine from the doctors so my daughter has been trying to get everything i need.
Taking this in stride
Well, like everyone else, it hasn’t been easy, however, I feel that I’m blessed. My husband and I are both able to work from home and my family is healthy. What more can I ask for? We have all the essentials, I love being in my home. Life is good.
Stacy’s Story
Covid-19 has thankfully had less of an impact on my life than it has on many others. My family is safe. We are financially secure. Although I would like to visit the beach and parks, I understand that doing so may negatively impact the lives of my family and others. I am thankful to have such a loving family, a safe place to live, and the resources I need to live comfortably. This virus has directly impacted extended family members and community members. I pray for the safety of all.
Stuck (Story #295)
This pandemic has changed the way I move about. It has, in a way affected my freedom. I still have a choice to move and go as I please but the chance of getting the virus is not one I want to take. Im a person that doesnt do much anyway but this situation has me doing nothing. I would truly like to move freely without the worry of getting sick from the coronavirus.
It has actually given me a chance to focus on eating right and cooking healthy instead of the fast food/order in/eat out life. Our community has shut down but it has provided the time to reach out and virtually touch family and friends. Everyone wishes for the real huggy/kissy world but we must make lemonade out of the lemons we have been dealt.
#64 The Mandatory Stay-In-Place
Mrs Fisher has been living in Florida coming from New York about 10 yrs, She was a strong disciplinarian as a mother of six.She was admitted to the hospital on March 28th. She tested positive for the Virus.and she was admitted to the ICU. She was admitted for 4 days and now she is home recuperating. It has been a long process. But she is a God-Fearing woman. She thinks the government should have protected us . The mandatory stay-in-place should have been in place !Her Grandson travels from Miami to prepare meals for her. She received 2 prepared meals from FSF on Friday.She will turn 86 in June.
#62 But For Now That’s The Way It Is
Mr. Rowe is 80 yrs old born and raised in Jamaica. He came here for a better life.He continues to wonder How did this happen? He has always had values of working hard. And America gave him that dream.He adheres to the law of staying in place. he doesn’t like it, But for now that’s the way it is.