Community: Riviera Beach


I can’t go where I want to go or do anything that I want to do. Everyone is staying home. I left my home to stay with other family as my spouse and I weren’t getting along too well. I had health issues prior to the virus and I did not want to stay with someone in and out of the house. I am not worried because I know that God will handle everything.


I want to go too fast-food restaurants but I’m not sure I can because the person preparing the food could have been infected with the coronavirus. I sometimes wonder if there is ever going to be a cure for the coronavirus because there are just so many cases. Many doctors and firefighters and other people trying to help people avoid and recover from the coronavirus.

A Sad Situation But God is In Control

I can’t work. I was furloughed off of both jobs. I basically have don’t any income. I have no applied for unemployment because people have said it was too hectic and a waste. I don’t like standing in food lines. It’s been an entire change. Cant go to work, you can’t see your grandkids. I miss my friends! Everyone is tense but I’m learning to cope and live with things I thought I needed like hair and nails. There are people doing worse. I’m doing my best to help out my neighbors. Someone at my church had the virus and she said it was no joke. She almost died. This made me so paranoid! But I’m trying to remain positive and wear my mask if I have to leave my house. I had dental work that I wasn’t able to get finished. I paid them over 3,000. Horrible timing. I had a prepaid trip for March that was cancelled

Unknown Mystery

I’m trying to stay in and be obedient. I go to the store about every two weeks. It’s every scary. I don’t like wearing the mask. I make sure to put it on going indoors. I am a hairdresser. I’ve been out from work for three weeks. I’m getting behind. I was thinking about May 1st but I may not. A lot of my clients are older and cannot come out. Many call to say they are worried! I don’t like to sit still very often, so I’m hoping . Our church is closed, so Ive been watching on YouTube. My sons have taught me to use it. I am still having to pay bills with less income but I am trying not to let it worry me.


Coronavirus has forces me to channel my creativity and spend time focusing on things in the moment. It has allowed me to treasure time with my loved ones and practice being present in the moment. My family and I went out to buy canvases, paint, and wine and spent time doing our own paint and sip at home. We found something that we all could enjoy together and it was a relaxing experience after the havoc that comes with having everyone at home. I am a new mom and I was just about to graduate and start a new job come summer. However, the the job is now on pause. I’m not worried about food because it is taken care of with SNAP and I have somewhere to stay, but I would like to be able to make extra money for other things.

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #256)

Corona Virus has impacted my life in unbelievable ways. Due to corona I have no senior experience that I truly desired . All senior events canceled , which breaks my heart .

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #246)

As a freshmen in college , corona virus has deeply impacted me . My classes are online and my grades are dropping due to the adjusting of it all .

Corona Troubles

Because of corona virus I am working less hours which affects paying bills.

The cornoa virus an unexpected life experience

The corona virus has impacted me because I have to stay in the house more and I am usually an outgoing person. Another way it has impacted me because I am unable to go to work, and I work in the cafeteria at a middle school. I am also having to babysit my 3 year old grand daughter because her daycare is closed.