The corona virus has taken my kids out of school, they are having a hard time adjusting to the virtual school learning, I am working so I am away from them
Concern: Being alone
Built to last
Well the virus hasnt impacted my life directly, but people has lost job, loss loved ones and is living in fear of the unknown.
Self Reflection
During this pandemic situation this has impacted my life because now I look at life a little different now I don’t take things for granted and it has given me a whole new prospective on . I has increased my prayer life and i spend more time reading God’s word and talking to my family and loving on them more. Trying to tell people that I love them. Just taking time to reflect on life and self gratification.
My brief input about the pandemic is that it has affected me in some way such as not being able to attend my church on Sundays. Not being able to hug my loved ones like I’m used to. Most importantly learning how to adjust to the current normalcy.
No Traveling
It has affected me by the lack of traveling that I could do before the coronavirus. It has also affected me by not being able to take my dog to the dog park. People are not taking the proper procedures and are not wearing protections in local places such as grocery stores.
Cooking Passion
Cooking is a passion of mine that I enjoy. I cook meals for my Church as a volunteer. It has affected my life because I usually cook every Monday and Wednesday for my church and because of the coronavirus I cannot Cook a meal.
Many of the restaurants that I got to allow pick up and delivery which makes it convenient because we won’t have contact. Many stores end up getting so crowded that now many stores have limits on the number of people allowed in stores.
I have to wear a mask wherever I go because of where I work. I make sure to use Hand sanitizer after I’m done working and I also make sure to take extra long showers before my family gets home. We all also take our temperatures to make sure everyone is healthy and hasn’t been infected.
I haven’t worked in over a month. I stopped working on March the 13th. I am so used to going to work and now I’m not. Luckily I was able to pay all of the bills for April and March but God knows for May. I’ve been using this time to relax and brainstorm ideas for my business proposal. I’m working on my brand. This virus has given me a good time to do that. I am a busy body and I’m not used to being home and this is new for me and tiring and aggravating and overwhelming. I was doing the same thing everything (schedule). This is really new for me.
I can’t go where I want to go or do anything that I want to do. Everyone is staying home. I left my home to stay with other family as my spouse and I weren’t getting along too well. I had health issues prior to the virus and I did not want to stay with someone in and out of the house. I am not worried because I know that God will handle everything.