Concern: Health of the community

Self Reflection

During this pandemic situation this has impacted my life because now I look at life a little different now I don’t take things for granted and it has given me a whole new prospective on . I has increased my prayer life and i spend more time reading God’s word and talking to my family and loving on them more. Trying to tell people that I love them. Just taking time to reflect on life and self gratification.

With uncertainty comes fear

I’m a bit of a loner and introvert so the social distancing wasn’t that big of deal until I realized I couldn’t give my mom (who suffers from respiratory problems) the usual hug and kiss when I visit her. I also don’t go inside of her home in stand in the yard while she sits on the porch in fear that I may be asymptomatic and infect her with COVID-19. Usually our house is the social gathering spot for all children on the block, because I have a 7-year old, basketball goal and trampoline. My son cried when we moved the basketball goal to the back yard and told him he cannot play with his friends due to the pandemic. He had a meltdown. he was also sad about not being able to go to school and see his classmates in person. He is the social butterfly (unlike his mom, dad, and brother LOL). On a much lighter note, I have never cleaned, cooked, baked, and read more than I have now. Also I have had time to connect more with God, my husband, and sons). I try to look on the bright side no matter what adversity I face. Mentally I have good and bad days but doing my best to practice self-care and thrive. Thank you for listening. Be well

Sharing purpose.

Now with Coronavirus waking people up and they are more motivated to explore gardening, growing foods and thinking about food and diet as sources of diseases. Because of this, I’ve connected to new people in ways that feels more purpose driven on both sides, which wasn’t necessarily there previously. I hope the motivation lasts.


My brief input about the pandemic is that it has affected me in some way such as not being able to attend my church on Sundays. Not being able to hug my loved ones like I’m used to. Most importantly learning how to adjust to the current normalcy.

No Traveling

It has affected me by the lack of traveling that I could do before the coronavirus. It has also affected me by not being able to take my dog to the dog park. People are not taking the proper procedures and are not wearing protections in local places such as grocery stores.

Cooking Passion

Cooking is a passion of mine that I enjoy. I cook meals for my Church as a volunteer. It has affected my life because I usually cook every Monday and Wednesday for my church and because of the coronavirus I cannot Cook a meal.

Corona Virus Impact

The corona virus has impacted my life by making it difficult to find daily essentials such as toilet paper,paper towels,cleaning supplies and etc. at local grocery stores.The corona virus has also affected me by not allowing me to travel and visit family,go to school or even go to the gym.

My child has the virus and lives out of state

I just found out that my son who works at a hospital in Pennsylvania has contracted the COVID-19 virus and has been in the hospital for a week. The cane season just ended and I want to go and check on my son. He tells me that he is doing fine and not to come. I am so scared for my son but I am grateful that I can still talk to him.


Everyday I wake up before I go to work, I have to put on a mask and a pair of gloves. I now carry around hands sanitizer everywhere I go. I keep my distance around other people. This is different than before the virus arrived. I didn’t have to worry about things like this. It is scary.

Virus (Story #430)

The virus impacted my life by changing it totally. Right now, I am suppose to be in college taking classes. Instead I am at home talking online classes. My outside activities are limited because of the stay at home order the governor issued. The virus impacted my mood, I am getting more depressed when I am locked inside.