This virus has made life really boring .
Concern: My child's education
Coronavirus sucks
This corona virus is terrible. All the stores are closed and the grocery stores close early, even the banks close early. I cant take my kids out to do anything fun we are trapped in the house like animals at the zoo. Its ruining my plans, I had to reschedule a trip twice and now we have curfew. Coronavirus SUCKS!!!
Help !
Corona has effect my life so much , I have lost a job I have kids this in the worst of them yet ! Idk when I will be able to find another job due to this virus everybodys lifes being taken away its very sad ! I pray trump fix it noww… my community is upside down nobody being able to pay their bills nobody has any money this is a tragedy.
Life of helll right now
the corona has impacted my life so much ! I lost a job I have a family to feed . life has been so stressful . I try my best to keep a smile on my face for my kids but something has to give ….
Grandchildren education
My grandchildren are now taking online classes but my daughter is an essential worker shes a care giver and while shes working i have my grandchildren the education online is not really hands on so i dont think its really benefiting my grandchildren
Don’t Take the Little thing for granted.
The days are just not the same. You think you have time to do it all but when something like this hits, you wonder what have I been doing with my time. The Corona Virus has impacted me in ways that are simple but yet so meaningful at this time. The little things that I take for granted like going to the grocery store or dropping by to get a bite to eat is now obsolete. Social distancing from my family and friends have been the worst. I can’t even see my mom like I want right now for the fear of her getting sick. She has cancer and things have been put on hold for her now due to the epidemic. I am a person that likes to visit me elderly people and I can’t at the moment. Just walking out the door now I am so much more cautious. My neighbor across the street from me would usually come in the yard and now we’re talking at the edge of the driveways. My little cousins that I see day to day, I can’t anymore because I’m trying to keep my distance and follow the rules. My heart goes out to the elderly that don’t have anyone to check on them and the homeless. I want to help my community out so much but at the risk of becoming sick is so scary. I have learned that the things we take for granted should be the ones that we cherish the most because at anytime they can be stripped from us without warning. I miss the kids that I work with as well, all of them, good, challenged and some a little defiant but what I would do to have conversation with them now.
Humble Awakening
The CoronaVirus has turkey been a humbling experience for me and my family. Im blessed to continue working being an essential employee, but the effect on our daily lives have been impacted. I like to look at the positives and use the opportunity to bond with self, love on family members, evaluate life, and appreciate the things we take for granted.
Quarantine Chronicles: More Isolated & Domesticated Than Ever
I’ve been practicing social distancing and working from home for 3 weeks, and it’s been a tricky transition. My husband still leaves the house to work every weekday, so I’ve become responsible for our young daughter’s distance learning. I’m struggling to find a rhythm for working from home, giving my daughter and husband the attention they need, and doing more cooking and cleaning than I usually do. I’ve never been this domestic! And I haven’t yet figured out a way to carve out time and space to take care of myself personally. It’s a strange place to be…feeling both more isolated than ever (cut off from regular interactions with family, friends, coworkers, and strangers that I’d see in public), but also never alone (because I’m constantly with my daughter, and often my husband). I feel very fortunate, but not quite like myself right now.
New Normal: there is some good!
This deadly virus has completely impacted interactions with social distancing. Balancing between work and home schooling my son has been challenging and rewarding all at once. My son is extremely active so I was apprehensive about keeping him engaged but I have been pleasantly surprised. The challenge isn’t so much home schooling as much as finding activities post-virtual school, that don’t involve leaving the house, outside of watching TV and reading books. He has taken an interest in cooking which has been great and we have come together as a family, breaking bread and playing board games together.
How did we get here?
Space. I need my space. I need space to unwind, to educate my children, to do my work, to support my family, to make space for connections of loved ones. My space has gone from the world to my home. It is constricting, overwhelming, frustrating, scary, fun, new and so much more. There is no normal. The days blend, the hours blend. It could be worse. It is worse for so many others. How can I help but still be true to myself, family and networks? My family needs space.How did we get here?