Concern: My child's education

Is this the New Normal?

As a working parent of a grade school age child and caregiver of an elderly mother I have experienced a increased amount of mental, emotional, and financial stress during the COVID-19 situation. I’m trying to find new ways to establish a routine that feels normal and make sure that everyone’s needs are met. Carving out a time to attend to work responsibilities at home while having a child at home and engaging him in meaningful activities is a challenge. Also, making sure that my mother is kept medically safe by limiting visitors and stress triggers is a task. I don’t think that I’m alone in the experience and that is comforting but I would like to find support through an online community that can link me to others with shared experiences, tips and guidance on how to best handle these emerging dynamics.

Figuring this coronavirus out

I am working fulltime from home and simultaneously caring for my child, my pets, my home. I am in need of household products but the stores are packed with people and short on supplies.

How Coronavirus Impacted My Life

The Coronavirus has impacted my life in multiple ways. My daily activities as modified. I have to take precaution everywhere and with everyone. My work life and family life has changed. They way we shop has changed. I no longer eat out or visit places with large crowds. My business has even taken a impact. My daughter is a high school senior and her senior year has been ruined, no Grad Night, Prom and possibly graduation may not take place. The lines at the stores are long and many of them are out of supplies and its difficult to obtain items such as wipes, toilet tissue and other necessities for the home. Food items are limited as well.