Concern: My health


Juanita Marshall grew up in Delray Beach and moved to Boynton Beach appx. 5 years ago. She appears to have missed her belated Mother enormously. She has two sons that live with her . One son,Chris has been diagnosed with a mental health diagnosis. He oldest son, Todd ,has gotten a full-time with WM after he worked faithfully for years at a temp agency. This has helped lessen the families financial burdens. It was years ago, that we assisted this family with furnishings,towels and bed sheets after they were infested with bedbugs. The bedbugs started as, Chris,the younger son, would cipher through trash piles in the neighborhood bringing items home. to decorate his room. The rental apartment has two bedrooms. Juanita has some issues of her own. She doesn’t socialize ever. So the virus has been nothing out of the norm except attending Church. Referred to FSF,


Donald is also a native to Boynton Beach. And all of his siblings live in the city( a party of 5).The virus really shook me up .you need a mask everytime to dart the door. There is no cure in sight and once there is it will need to be tested. How long? This virus reminds me of the escription from the Bible of Leprosy. PEOPLE ARE AFRAID TO COME AROUND EACH OTHER.You have to look at it like everyone has it.Donald says he is 62 years of age and lost a decent paying job. And my savings is taking a hit! T! Imagine the people who were just told to leave due to the virus and needed every dime to live in the NOW!I need monies for rent and water. Still awaiting a word from DEO.

#8 I’m not scared…Just be smart…Don’t ignore it!

In 2013,Mr& Mrs Cotant moved to Boynton Beach from Winters in Vermont. It was January 27,2020,that Pam’s husband transitioned. This has left an everlasting void in her life after 27 years of marriage.Pam says she has takes the COVID19 serious especiallu after watching the nightly news. She does not frequent any stores (shops on- line at Walmart).just the post office where I only drop letters.Late in the afternoons ,I spend time on my patio with a couple of friends.I keep myself occupied with Tai Chi (zooming through the Area Agency). In talking with my adult son, his friends have lost grandparents.And my neighbors have lost long time friends. She doesn’t take Trump seriously The election is not coming soon enough!! However, We must be mindful of always wearing a mask in public places as so many Asian countires have used this technique to keep the virus away. I am not scared ….Just be smart…don’t ignore it!

My New Pass Time

Have found myself using much of the spare time cutting out patterns to make masks.

God’s got my family back

Me,my mother, and brother been out of work for 4 weeks now. I am part timer so I don’t get any PTO. So we have been about how we’re going to pay our bills.

In search of

My entire way of life has changed. The way I live, the way I move around my community, what I wear when I go outside of my home, the way that I worship all has changed. I ask myself, what is this new normal and will I ever feel safe again? The only thing that I can come up with is uncertainty.

Hope for That Free Get Out of COVID-19 Card

I was first tested on April 17, 2020 with a POSITIVE result. This meant that I could not return to work, Protocol is that need two NEGATIVE tests before I can return to work. On May 2, 2020, I tested POSITIVE again. I was speechless. On May 7, 2020, ditto. What could I say? On May 22, 2020, I was now tested for the fourth time and YES! NEGATIVE!!! I called all my supports with the wondrous news. I spent 45 minutes with my Boss planning out my work schedule (I had not been inside the jobsite for two months now as I took vacation time prior to the virus smashing into my life) to return June 1, 2020. Needing two NEGATIVE tests was going to be a piece of cake. On May 28, 2020, planning on getting my second NEGATIVE, I decided there was an evil vendetta against me. POSITIVE again. I was devastated. I called my Mom crying with the news. She felt my hurting. I then called my brother followed by my workplace. I’m hoping for June 4, 2020 to be my Free get out of COVID-19 card.

The Coronavirus Journey

Being tested POSITIVE for the coronavirus is a grueling journey.The protocol for this outcome was isolation in my room for at least two full weeks. After that, I would have to be tested until I received two consecutive NEGATIVE results before I could return to the workplace. My room is upstairs and no one was allowed to entire without a mask and gloves on. The sources of nutrition were left at the bottom of the stairs for me, and once I was finishd eating, the dishes were put back on the stairs for removal. I felt like a leper. Slowly, I began to feel Back to the life of the living, I was able to watch TV, more lucid and animated, began to eat, and gain back the seven pounds I had lost. But my most prominent symptom was difficulty breathing. With each passing day, I felt stronger and stronger, better and better. I wasn’t going to let this pandemic coronavirus beat me. Although I’m a fighter, my spirit was shrinking. I had four POSITIVE COVID-19 tests and one NEGATIVE one squeezed in there. I’m still quarantined and feel like an outcast.

Introduced to the COVID-19

I decided to take a mental health week away from work. During that time I took a brisk walk several days,. Although I felt a bit winded I contributed it to being out of shape. I heard about this out of control virus going on in the world but didn’t think much of it. I began feeling symptoms of some kind of ailments. My PCP. He prescribed me a Z-pack and encouraged me to drink a lot of liquids. I developed some new symptoms seemingly designated as the COVID-19 virus growing every day like gossip all over the world. My Mother was fearful that I was extremely infirmed like never before. I had trouble breathing. I had a sore throat. I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. I had no appetite. I had no strength. The chit chat flooding my surroundings was all about this virus and my need to get tested. I did and the results were Positive. The protocol of this outcome was to be quarantined to my room for at least two weeks.