Well, I got Corona. So, that has had a huge impact. I’m 26 days with the virus, and it’s been pretty rough. My business was also deeply affected, as our summer and fall enrollments were stopped in their tracks. I’ve also had many happy surprises and some awesome successes. My team got our students pivoted to an online learning environment seamlessly and well before the public schools did. I bought a new car from my living room and saved on my monthly payment. I’ve made some new friends, found some new business colleagues and discovered some new music online. Overall, I think the worst part (other than getting sick) is seeing the further divisions in political morals between my neighbors, some family, some friends and myself. I am not sure how the nation recovers.
Concern: My health
Coronavirus has forces me to channel my creativity and spend time focusing on things in the moment. It has allowed me to treasure time with my loved ones and practice being present in the moment. My family and I went out to buy canvases, paint, and wine and spent time doing our own paint and sip at home. We found something that we all could enjoy together and it was a relaxing experience after the havoc that comes with having everyone at home. I am a new mom and I was just about to graduate and start a new job come summer. However, the the job is now on pause. I’m not worried about food because it is taken care of with SNAP and I have somewhere to stay, but I would like to be able to make extra money for other things.
Cant work ! Cant eat.
I cater for a living.social distancing,has pretty much eliminated my ability to earn income to support my family.
25 (Story #308)
The corona virus has changed the way I work on my job . I am a teacher . Schools are closed . I am doing online teaching now . The virus has slowed the progress of my restaurant build out . I cant visit friends and family Like I use to
Staying heathy
The virus has affect alot of my community senior and lot of the kids having to be inside alot .myself lose work and found working is hard to go out and look for work .and trying to keep bills payed and staying healthy.
Hopeful for Change
Today I was at the gas station with my husband. We had our masks in my purse for when we would enter the grocery store. I also had hand sanitizer and wipes for when he finished pumping gas. I’m the furthest thing from a germophobe and I was actually impressed that I remembered not one, but two things that could allegedly protect us from falling ill. As I processed the need for these new objects that were now crucial from me to remember when I leave the house in addition to my phone, wallet and keys, I noticed something.An older white woman who was alone was clearly having car trouble. A black man ran right up to her with a smile on his face ready to help. Without hesitation, they shook each others hands. Normally, I wouldnt overthink or probably even notice the interaction. But in that moment of fear and wondering what all of us had to do to or should be doing to adapt to this new world and to keep ourselves safe, I stopped myself and thought…Stop thinking about how the man is at a much greater risk of infection because of the fact that inequity is already a pre-existing health condition. Stop thinking about the fact that the older white woman was also at greater risk being someone of her age. Just breathe. Admire the acts of selflessness that surround you during this time. Remember that if there is ever going to be a turning point in this dark, twisted world, its right now. Maybe, just maybe, that handshake between two people who may not have otherwise ever been connected may be a sign of things to come. I dont want to assume that this is hopeful anymore. For the first time, in a long time, I think that its possible.
My struggle is real
I live in Delray Beach but I work in Boca Raton my job temporarily closed because of the Coronavirus pandemic.So I filed for unemployment its been 3 weeks now since I filed unemployment. Still no word from them. Still no stimulus check I check my bank account every morning. For a person who lives paycheck to paycheck how do you survive with no paycheck? This is not a choice this is just me trying to be the best person I can be. Ive worked hard my whole life and now the reality hits. And everything I spent a lifetime working for Im at risk of losing. Its only been 4 weeks since I last worked but I already feel the pressure. I wonder whats next what do I do next. Life was already a struggle before the Coronavirus. But the one thing I do know is that as long as God blesses me to wake up every morning I promise never to give up.
Our COVID 19 Journey
The Corona Virus certainly has affected my life in so many ways.As it has every one in the world.Our family life has changed dramatically. I am not able to visit my adult children and their families for family dinner,or celebrate my children’s April birthdays. I like to play with the grandkidor just spend time with them.Now wectalk more on the phone , provide calls.Our family was not able to have a family dinner for Easter.We have also discontinued going to church weekly, we do virtual service or Conference calls.I attend a weekly Bible Study classes each Wednesday morning we now meet via Zoom for our Tuesday morning leaders class and our Wednesday morning Bible study groups.I mentor two students at Village Academy in Tuesday and Wednesday during lunch,now we text or call each other weekly. One if my mentees is a graduating Senior and Class Salutatorian I will not get an opportunity to see her graduate and personally congratulate her..My husband and I had to cancel a couples retreat trip for a long weekend in March and our cruise for May 16.My husband and I usually go out to dinner on Sundays after church but not now, we cook and eat our meals at home.I must admit our lives hff have slowed down tremendously, however we missed the opportunity to socialize with other adults and family members. I certainly agree that sacrificing is necessary to safe lives and keep families safe.I will continue to pray to God and obey the local rules and remain vigilant about staying home and practicing social distancing when we do go out for groceries etc.
Stuck (Story #295)
This pandemic has changed the way I move about. It has, in a way affected my freedom. I still have a choice to move and go as I please but the chance of getting the virus is not one I want to take. Im a person that doesnt do much anyway but this situation has me doing nothing. I would truly like to move freely without the worry of getting sick from the coronavirus.
2020 The Year the World Stood Still
The corona virus has impacted my life in every way as it has impacted the entire World’s population in every way. I feel almost like I did after 9/11. The World stopped for a week. The World changed forever. This time, the World has stopped for months. The World will be changed forever-good and bad. Teaching requires a very interactive relationship with students. I realize how important face to face interaction is for children in a school environment. A smile, a touch on the shoulder, words of encouragement, sarcastic retorts, body language……. I miss them and I know the students do as well. I need them as much as they need me. Online learning is great and works well if the playing field is equal. I am dealing with an unbalanced playing field with students. In my classroom, everyone is equal. This is unprecedented and therefore changes your craft in ways you never imagined would happen. We need to go with what we have and do our best given the uncertainty surrounding us all. We have this with patience and dedication.