It has actually given me a chance to focus on eating right and cooking healthy instead of the fast food/order in/eat out life. Our community has shut down but it has provided the time to reach out and virtually touch family and friends. Everyone wishes for the real huggy/kissy world but we must make lemonade out of the lemons we have been dealt.
Concern: My health
9 (Story #293)
As a single mother of 4 this virus have a big impact on my family and I’m sure that’s with everyone else as well, but with my children who have asthma it’s hard to tell them no they can’t go outside and play, or go to the store with me, with their learning disability they stuffing with their learning because I’m not specialized in that field, so I could only do what I can, but it’s frustrated when I can’t help them or can’t get in contact with their teacher’s right away, my job cut my hours but I’m grateful that I could still work when I can. I find myself getting more depress a lot because you don’t know what’s going to happen next. You go the store’s and can’t find what you looking for because everything is gone when you really need it the most.
Abbeys Story
Having to maintain my job, pick up a second job to help where my wife lost income, and trying to stay mentally and physically healthy.
I Needed to Change
Aside from losing my job and having anxiety on and off, from the fear of catching the virus, I have been doing quite well. We have only spent money on food and supplies. Its surprising how much frivolous spending we used to do. I have had more time to be with my family and to work on myself. I have been doing yoga, writing, and reflecting. I am committed to continuing the healthy habits I am cultivating. My heart hurts for everyone who has suffered from this virus. I believe that it is our duty, to those that have and are suffering, to come out of this as better, kinder people.
A Hard 2020!
The lack of family interaction has been a major impact in my life. I have a 3 year old grandson and my stepdaughter is due with another grandson in July. For risk of infection, we can only facetime or talk through the windows. I also have a daughter who is graduating May 2nd from FSU, who had her heart set on walking across the stage, ut can’t.
# Renee’s Quarantine Chronicles
It has really impacted my life because not only am I a full-time high school teacher, I’m a mom of 2. Since being home all day and working full time, I have also become my son’s 8th grade teacher, my 3-year old’s preschool teacher, the cafeteria lady, the guidance counselor, and the janitor. These are all things I do regularly, but it wasn’t ALL day 24/7. It has made me worry about myself or anyone in my family catching the Corona Virus and how devastated I would be if that happened. However, On a positive note, it has allowed me to spend more quality time with my family, and appreciate things that we normally take for granted.
#64 The Mandatory Stay-In-Place
Mrs Fisher has been living in Florida coming from New York about 10 yrs, She was a strong disciplinarian as a mother of six.She was admitted to the hospital on March 28th. She tested positive for the Virus.and she was admitted to the ICU. She was admitted for 4 days and now she is home recuperating. It has been a long process. But she is a God-Fearing woman. She thinks the government should have protected us . The mandatory stay-in-place should have been in place !Her Grandson travels from Miami to prepare meals for her. She received 2 prepared meals from FSF on Friday.She will turn 86 in June.
#62 But For Now That’s The Way It Is
Mr. Rowe is 80 yrs old born and raised in Jamaica. He came here for a better life.He continues to wonder How did this happen? He has always had values of working hard. And America gave him that dream.He adheres to the law of staying in place. he doesn’t like it, But for now that’s the way it is.
My husband and I stay home. We are care-takers for my 95 year old mother. After,she was hosptalized for heart failure . She is unable to meet her personal needs. I,often, think of all those in our community who have died of this dreadful virus, We are strong and will stand with our community. My sister attends to the needs of my household. My Mother birth 14 children,
#59 They Know They Will Pass
The nation has become unstable. Which is due to a multitude of opinions as to when America should open up for business.You’re unable to go anywhere. I Have lived in my family’s home with my Dad all my life. I am a Middle-School Science Teacher.. Her student population is 94.However,she has only 51 students logging on for distant learning. She saidthey know they will pass this school year.She has some immune issues. So,she has to be extra careful. She is a caregiver for her 81 yr old Father.He has a mild case of dementia and has under gone surgery.