Ms Northern is a care-giver. She supports the needs of her older brother . He is diagnosed with dementia. She says,her their feelings are pretty bottle up.It’s a struggle to deal with her brother wanting to go to daycare. But, because of the virus he is not presently attending. She is fearful of going to the grocery store so one of her churhc-going friends goes for her.She is a cancer survivor.
Concern: My health
#69 It brings tears to my eyes
Mrs Tucker’s immediate response was America is way over the top! never thought that I would see America looking as a third world country.. This brings tears to my eyes. I came here for opportunity.Now I have lost a husband since being here. I cannot seem to get over the lost I only way out of this is kneeling for prayer.
Testing did not start soon enough.Those that need testing will never be tested.They really don’t have transportation. Therefore, they will not be called back to work if they are working. Many,who need food aren’t receiving it, Why? because, you must have a car to be in lineShe does not have faith in the statistics being provided.The Farmers and migrant workers live clustered(she has an admiration for this group of people).It is here! It will never leave this earth!
#51 Nobody Has Changed Their Ways
When I First heard mention of the Corona Virus ,I was scared, I began to call everyone of my Church members to share with info on the virus. In early March. I self-quarantine. I was unable to keep anything on my stomach and i couldn’t sleep. I thought this was a suicide mission for those that lived in the heart of Boynton because they aren’t adhering to the order set forth by the City or County to protect your face…No One wears facial protection on my street. Nobody has changed their ways.It will die down> Hopefully,we will come out of this alrightOur Leaders numbers are down,So America has to come back up!She will get food assistance from Helping Hands.
#53 WE Will Never Be The Same
This Lady has survived the death of two daughters at the same time.She is always known as meek ,soft-spoken and mild,She stated that she has NEVER,EVER seen anything such as this . And when it’s all over we will never be the same.
#57 Trying to make ends with 3 jobs
You don’t know who has the Corona Virus that’s the scary part!My daughter and I are adhering to the ordinances that nave been set.Not everyone is wearing protection and being careful.My employment has diminished with the Church ,crossing guard and the Senior program,Trying to make ends with 3 jobs , it is devastating and scary, Now,I don.t have one job!
#56 I Have fished every Saturday
This has had a terrible impact on my employment,Seniors that I have worked with closely, fishing and comraderie.My employment has been hampered in such times and maybe that’s a calling for my retirementI dedicated my employment to enhance the life of our local Senior Citizens physically,socially and mentally.Fishing is the most enjoyable hobby I have. And I am not able to fish. I have fished every Saturday for years. I.myself. have lost relatives to this horrible virus.
#54 So Fearful
The biggest impact for me is that the peoplel we take for granted,We don’t see now!So fearful,that every time my phone rings,someone will tell me that someone else in our community has succumbed to the Corona Virus.There is no stability nor control!
#52 ‘she doesn’t Like Being Alone
In Georgia,I have had ten of my cousin’s transition as a result of the Corona Virus.She is very panicky about her Great-Granddaughter,Imani,going outside. She has become very over-protective of her loved ones And she doesn’t like being alone as noted by her Granddaughter.Although, I am not employed . She likes coming to my home daily and that is fine!.
I work in assisted living facility as a dining services manager. I had flu like symptoms but was forced to stay home for two weeks without pay because of the threat of coronavirus. I am still grappling the effects of not working for two weeks.