The corona virus impacted my life in many ways:1. My job, I am unable to work at all2. I am unable to shop, because I am 80 Years old3. Some of my family members have been infected4. It has been difficult to communicate with friends or loved ones because we are unable to visit each other5. I miss dining out in restaurants very very much
Concern: My health
#44 My Son Is Extremely Strict
One of her formal neighbors,he has succumbed to the Virus, It has been so upsetting to know that the perils of this had to come to death. In a Society, that has knowledge such as ours.. I watch my Church on You tube with my Son and his wife. My Son is extremely strict on myself and his wife. It is hard not to abide by the rules and my Son’s rules. It maybe at it’s peak. America is hopefully stable.MY CHURCH HAS VEGAN MEALS DAILY AND MY SON GETS THEM FOR OUR HOUSEHOLD.
#42 Going To Chruch Means A Lot
She is an 89 yr old lady that hss seen more hard times than good. You can hear it in her voice. She states that she resonates from a third world Country,Jamaica. And she has seen alot of political,enviromental issues,droughts and food shortages. She feels due to this pandemic her independence has been taken away from her, She says she sits in her backyard pondering what this world will be soon….She likes watching the birds chirp and even saw a cardinal this morning. This plague has made her feel down , Not allowing her to fellowship with those she has grown to love and familiar faces are being missed, She sincerely said going to church means alot to her!She misses her meals! And the ability to go to the laundromat to dry her washed clothes and furnishing.
#39 What are we going to do?
He and his wife have lost 3 family members to this pandemic (one in Guyana & 2 In New York).They are asking themselves What are we going to do about getting food? I suggested that they contact Helping Hands in Boynton Beach for USDA pick-up.Their adult children are bringing in the grocery and yaking care of all responsibilities of the household.The Husband cut his hand and on top of that has encountered a Heart triple by-pass surgery. So,He must adhere to the Covid19 regulations.
#43 Watch As Well As Pray
My Husband and I haven’t left our home since the last Sunday in March. I am a cancer survivor and have a leaky valve. So,my granddaughters are getting grocery for us. I.really haven’t seen neighbors in my community wearing facial protection as they walk their dogs or ride their bicycles.She says she is confused with the leadership wanting to open up some States. And there are Smithfield plants are a hotspot as well as
Due to the corona virus i have been stuck in the house and not able to go out and get my medication.
#36 Better Days Ahead
My family prevents me from going out. Mainly,because of my high blood pressure and being a stroke victim. So,they are scared for me ! She believe if you experience any symptoms and visit your Doctor you will die. She says atke ginger,cloves,lemon with warm water to improve your health.She is responsible for her 17 yr old Granddaughter who attends Atlantic High’s International Baccalaureate Program and her studies online daily.She is praying for better days ahead!My son,that lives in Boston,is taking care of his newborn daily.
#36 Police Stopped Me
Police stopped him for not wearing a mask while he was taking his morning walk, The Virus has no bearing on his life and the life of his family as noted. He went to the grocery store this morning to order his grocery. At presently,he has no food insecurities,no issue with getting out paying his bills.He hopes this is over before the November election, He wants his vote to remove the leader of this nation out of office.He is a a very positive guy. He doesn’t seem to allow gray skies to remove his always positive outlook on life. He is the go to family member. Because,his only daugher has dealt with chemo and his wife has chronic conditions.
#40 I gave her flowers while she was living:
She is adhering to the ordinances of the land. However, She has osteoporosis and she is a former business owner, She has always been recognized as the first African-American florist in Boynton Beach. She has lost a friend of 52 yers to the Covid19, she has fond memories of her , She plans to name a garden in her memory. She also named others who have died from this PANDEMIC and attend her church.She is a
There is nothing that can be done about the Virus especially under this administration, I follow the rules. I have plenty to do at home. Although, I go out when I need too. Hope and praying is the key,I lost my 84 yr old oldest Sister to the Virus on March 25th and she will have graveside services on April 20th. It took awhile because her husband was also diagnosed with the Virus . He is a survivor.Her two(2) daughters are essential workers , She has one as a traveling Nurse in Georgia and the other works as a driver for Fed-Ex. She says that I keep them in Pray!