Concern: Paying the bills

Covid Affects

Because of the covid situation I, I have been forced to move out of my home due to the lack of steady income. I went from making $800 a week to $350 every two weeks. I have went from a stable home to not knowing where i’m going to sleep every night. It has really been tough because I have 4 kids that depend on me. Ages 11, 10, 7 and 9 months. Due to the fact that I don’t have reliable transportation, its makes it even harder to find a better job or resources that can help me climb out of my situation.

Trusting God through it all.

Corona virus has impacted my life for the bad as well as the good. I’ve been out of work twice and hours have been cut. Me being a felon makes it even harder due to jobs being limited which had me wondering how would I pay bills and take care of my responsibilities. Now I’m witnessing my little cousin who has asthma suffer greatly which is hurting my heart. Despite the bad that has occurred the one good thing that has happened to me, is me witnessing how good God is. He has shown me all I ever have to do is trust in Him and He will provide and make ways for me when all else seems impossible. I also was able to reevaluate myself with the time I had when I wasn’t working. I’ve made some changes that were needed and was unaware I even had. I’ve Had time to focus on my organization I plan on starting and was even able to do a lot of work around the house I normally wouldn’t have time for. Its scary with all those going on, anything can happen anytime to anyone but God is good and able.

Covid-19 (Story #943)

I Carmela Herrera, have gone through a hard situation. I am 65 years old I live by myself I was in the process of moving out because I cant afford to pay the rent where I live. Unfortunately I was infected with the virus back in June. I was very sick and was hospitalized for almost 3 weeks. I was connected to the oxygen the whole time. After 3 weeks I was released. I couldn’t work, I had to stay home for another 3 weeks before I was to start working. I am behind in my bills, and need some support to pay my electric bill before they discontinue the service. I am lucky to be alive and I thank this program and other ones that are supporting the community to help those in need. Thank you.


Mrs catherinr hinson is an 85 year old widow. She was diagnosed about 2 weeks ago as a-symptomatic for covid 19. She is a retired teacher and a proud graduate of an hbcu-bethune-cookman university. She has stood with many causes that have affected change in the black community. Hwe covid 19 respoonse is that it is real. Mrs hinson feels that she went out just a little too much. Her son,efrem,vows to do all errands until this pandemic is over.


Ms ponticello is a 73 year old recluse. She very seldom answer her door or phone. It is always a hit or miss with her. Today was a good day!Ms ponticello has had her chihuahua taken from her by the hoa after the dog attacked a resident. She is receiving meals from cdc senior meal program.she feels as though the pandemic has left us in a state of disbelief and not knowing where and who to turn. Ms jan is mow wondering when will this be over.


Ms mildred schley is a native of boynton beach. She is a mother to 4 sons and 1 daughter. She now lives with her daughter,jane. Jane teaches at congress middle school. Her oldest son suffers with many health concerns and he is in and out of the schley believes that the unrest has been a long time coming in the black community. She mentions that the baby boomers failed this generation by not standing and staying steadfast to the cause .


Ms eva hollis is the mother of 14 adult children. Her daughter,earline(71) prepare breakfast and lunch for her on a daily basis. She moves pretty slow. However,she is swift in memory. One of her son lives with her. Mrs eva is 96 years young. She says that covid 19 is so sad. Many have lost their lives with this virus. I stay in the house unless i must see my doctor. People should obey and stay home!


I an michelle d white lives born and raised in boynton beach. Historically,i come from a long line of civil-rights activist. Especially when the blacks were trying to integrate the beaches in broward county which they successfully did. The beach today is known as a landmark beach von d mizell-eula johnson state park.eula johnson was my aunt. My aunt eula owned a gas station in the 1960’s. Not many african-americans were likely too not even now. The von d mizell-eula johnson state park was known 60 years ago as the john u lloyd state park colored beach. It is printed that the wade-in demonstrations were epic! My parents met at a historically black college and university as my aunt,uncle,sister and cousins…The great bethune-cookman university founded by a black woman,mary mccleod bethune!


Mr lloyd sukhu is from bengali. He lives with his wife maywantie. Mr lloyd will be celebrating his 76th birthday september 28th.he and his family moved to boynton beach 20 years ago. He received a triple by pass about 3 years ago. He and his wife now babysit their beautiful grandboy with lots of humility. The suhku believe that his virus came as apunishment from the creator.


Mrs carol woodside is 82 years of age and she is from louisville,kentucky. She has lived in boynton beach for 19 years. Mrs woodside is scheduled to have a spinal fusion as soon as the hospitals open up for elective surgeries. Sh is fearful of exposure to covid19. She never thought about not being able to see her grands back in kentucky but due to covid she can.t. This is like jail!