When I was a teenager, I was the smallest kid in my neighborhood. I got beat up, pushed around and joked on all the time until I learned how to tell jokes and make everyone laugh.
Control of Community: The community has total control
I made a lot of errors in life. When I changed me, I changed my life. I’ve been homeless I’ve been in and out of jail. I’ve been been down to my last dollar and had it stolen from me when that was all i had to eat with. My neighborhood was selfish i changed me.
The crash- Rickia
At the age of 13 I was in a fatal car accident that caused me to be in a wheel chair. My community came together to support my mom because my Father died in the crash. I’m still alive here today and although it has changed my life, the love remain the same
What’s done is done- Rickia
I remember when my grandfather told me to live life because when its all over and done, it is all over and done. You die with all the dreams you have ever dreamed, so make your life count. It was bad in my neighborhood. We couldn’t even speak to kids that was your color, but when it is all said and done it is only on heaven and one hell.
Dance- Rickia Petty
I was raised in a time that war was all too comfortable and it seemed everyone around me was in a frinzy. I learned how to dance with the songs in my head to help me get through those times.
Value- Rickia petty
I grew up in a great neighborhood. I had a lot of family around me and we all stuck together. You would never have known we didn’t have a lot.
Value -Rickia
I mean pretty much what my sister said our family was very loving we had everything we needed when we were struggling we didn’t even notice my family with a great family and we stuck together through everything we kept our business out of the streets
I grew up in very negative environment. My father drank a lot and took it out on my mother. I remember telling myself at a very young age that I would marry a man that loved me and my family, I would have a healthy environment for my family and we would enjoy life to the fullest and I created that and more
I grew up in a time that gangs became our family and they saved my life. When family couldn’t do for me they did. My mom was on drugs when i was in my early 20s i had a son so i had to get out of it we Destruction peace in my neighborhood
My neighborhood-Rickia
I loved my neighborhood minus the violence it has the today the kids are different but there’s always a handful that comes and sit and talk to me. They are sweethearts. Then the others won’t even help themselves.