Control: I have no control


Corona has impacted me and my family member life because some have been laid off their jobs and can’t afford things already I’m also having a difficult time because me being home I don’t have internet to complete my college work good thing I’m a member of student aces and they help me get a laptop and access to WiFi.

# flower man down

Less and less people are coming to buy my flowers, and the people who do come are so nice. I’m getting worried that we may go out of business.

Unemployed Wife

My wife can’t work because she is a school nurse and she isn’t getting paid. She has to P.T.O and when she runs out she can’t get paid anymore. She tried to file for employment but it’s hard for website to process anything. It’s taking along time to receive it’s about the employment kids can’t go to DFYE, pool etc.

My shoe game

There were some new air maxes that I was trying to purchase, but due to the stores closing I’ll just have to wait until they reopen.

Store without production

There are less customers coming to my store and it’s hard for me to provide fore my family, people aren’t staying home and many are getting sick. My sister lost her job, We aren’t getting new products because of the shipping is refusing.

Corona Virus Impact

The corona virus has impacted my life by making it difficult to find daily essentials such as toilet paper,paper towels,cleaning supplies and etc. at local grocery stores.The corona virus has also affected me by not allowing me to travel and visit family,go to school or even go to the gym.

Virus (Story #430)

The virus impacted my life by changing it totally. Right now, I am suppose to be in college taking classes. Instead I am at home talking online classes. My outside activities are limited because of the stay at home order the governor issued. The virus impacted my mood, I am getting more depressed when I am locked inside.

N/A (Story #416)

The Corona virus crisis make everyone scare of each other, now most people are unemployed with no income and unable to huge my friend and family. I pray that everything most gone so we can go to our normal life

Dynamic Pandemic

It made me realize that hard times are real & life is so much more serious.