Palm Beach County residents were asked:
Please tell us a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.
Some responses were directly about a health-related or medical experience (e.g., a stay in the hospital, safety precautions, etc.). These responses are shared below by date (newest to oldest). Click ZOOM IN to learn more about the resident and how they interpreted their response.
My oldest living relative is my Great Aunt Eleanor who is 104. She has seen so much in her life. Her mom had a sister in the early 1900’s who died from the Spanish Flu and her father and sister also had this. The doctor told her mom that she could only save one and that the baby would die. Thankfully the baby (my grandmother) survived. Eleanor still lives independently and is normally very capable, however recently she fell and broke her wrist and ribs. After coming out of rehab she needed help at home. This was the same time that the Coronavirus started. The facility where she lives has gotten increasing tighter on who can and can’t enter. I was helping her get her mail, shower, do laundry, get dressed, among other things. Due to the Coronavirus, I now have to use hand sanitizer, fill out a questionnaire, and have my temperature taken to enter the facility. Just the other day I heard that someone at the facility was tested for Covid-19, but the results haven’t come back. These poor residents are no longer allowed out of their apartments, can no longer eat with their friends, play cards, sing together, play bingo, go to the movie theater, or any of the other myriad things they love to do. I pray for the sake of these seniors that we can quickly get back to life as they knew it.
To whom it may concern, being a senior citizen with medical disability, the corona virus has impacted my life in many ways. It has affected my not being able to get out to go to the pharmacy to get my medication, going to the grocery store to purchase my food and most of all affecting my mental ability worries of catching the virus. My prayer is that the government, and county official, and the people that are in position, to help the people will do the right thing and be fair with helping all that needs the help. Thank you so much.I
I have been working from home due to the work schedule change with the pandemic. I have a friend who is a single mom, with 3 small children. Mom has not been able to get her wifi service connected and her 3 elementary school children were unable to participate in the virtual classroom setting or get their school work done on time. Mom also had the opportunity to work during those 2 days. I offered to help her for 2 days while she fixed her issue with comcast. In those 2 days I learned so much from them. I learned about the struggles young families have in getting the children on the District website, looking for the assignments that need to be worked on, and the old keeping them on task regiment. I had to put all 3 in separate rooms with makes shift desks. The three year old had some fine motor skills to work on, he did great!I am divorced and my son is 24. I forgot what is was like to have kids in the house. I only had one child so three was quite a challenge. I am proud to say I still managed to get my work done daily. Hats off to all moms and dad struggling to be a teacher. I had some funny moments with them and realized how resilient these children are. I was on a conference call at one point, and I sensed someone slithering on the floor (I had told them I would be on a conference call and could not be disturbed). The 3 year old was trying not to disturb me so he slithered all the way from the doorway to my desk to ask if he was allowed to have a cookie, seems like an appropriate time to get a YES response. One they all finished their schoolwork we went outside to do an Art project. On the second day I was asked when the fine arts class was going to take place. Yes, I did read a book to them about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and we did work on a Jackson Pollack action painting project, the first day. On the second day of our fine arts class we made fabric masks from a t’shirt. The children painted a design on the fabric and then we cut them to size. The 3 year put his mask on and instead of seeing himself as a fictional hero character, he said he was a Doctor. The real heroes of there time. The entire healthcare community who are working hard during this crisis.
Im not able to be available to the people I serve in the community . Not being able to visit my father because hes elderly is disappointing and saddening. My first grandchild will be born soon and theres a great possibility that I wont be able to be there. My youngest son graduated from boot camp in the US Army and I couldn’t attend. This virus keeps taking the highlights of my life away from me.
It seems we have fallen down a rabbit hole into some other dimension. Watching the world suffer from a distance and feeling like it is never going to end. My son is missing out on the end of 5th grade, safety patrol trip to Washington D.C., his spring soccer season, and just his regular daily routine. I am fortunate to be able to work from home, but Ive become a teacher, guidance counselor, recess playmate, and lunch lady too. I am not complaining about one moment, my cousins 24 year old normally healthy son is on a ventilator in Ohio and we are praying everyday for him to be healed.I have had more phone calls and texts from people that keeping up with was too easy to over look. In some ways it makes me ashamed but then I realize we are all in the same boat.
The Corona Virus has impacted my Job and my schooling, it caused both my job and school to close down.
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