COVID-19 Stories, Health-Related

Palm Beach County residents were asked:

Please tell us a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.

Some responses were directly about a health-related or medical experience (e.g., a stay in the hospital, safety precautions, etc.). These responses are shared below by date (newest to oldest). Click ZOOM IN to learn more about the resident and how they interpreted their response.

Apr 6, 2020

Life on pause

I’m not able to continue my education in the pace that I won’t. Because of what’s happening, I’m taking a leave of absence at work
Apr 6, 2020


Corona has made an impact on my life and my community , the corona virus is stopping us from having our jobs, getting our money and we’re being stuck inside The corona is hurting us we have loved ones who has pass from the virus
Apr 6, 2020

Seniors Co’2020

The Corona Virus has impacted my life in many was. It really hit us class of 2020 seniors we not only have to weeks of and tons of school work on line but we won’t be able to enjoy our senior year how everyone else have No grad bash no grad night no prom and the most important thing that ment the world to most of us something that we all worked hard to do was walk across that stage. And because of Covid19 we won’t be able to do any of the following. This was our 2020 senior year even though we were half way thru the year was basically over things happen for a reason I really hope they would have at least a little gathering for us class of 2020 because I believe we worked really hard.
Apr 5, 2020

Education (Story #108)

Coronavirus has affected me in many way one of them are me going to school And get my education these online classes are really not effective way for me to learn
Apr 5, 2020

Crazy (Story #111)

Corona has effected my life a lot. I lost my job and money is getting tight.
Apr 5, 2020

Wasted time

12 years of my life I’ve spent in school only to find out that everything i worked for would be on hold or canceled. My senior activities are no longer existent there will be no graduation and the rest of the year will be spent online.

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