COVID-19 Stories, Health-Related

Palm Beach County residents were asked:

Please tell us a story about how the coronavirus has impacted your life.

Some responses were directly about a health-related or medical experience (e.g., a stay in the hospital, safety precautions, etc.). These responses are shared below by date (newest to oldest). Click ZOOM IN to learn more about the resident and how they interpreted their response.

Apr 3, 2020

No Man Is an Island

I am an eighty two old diabetic that lives with my sister and brother in law. I am totally blind and suffer from extreme nephropathy and have difficulty with mobility. I have limited socialization and look forward to the socialization through attending church and the monthly senior activity sponsored by the Community Caring Center. The Stay at Home order has made it more difficult to have the socialization that is needed for elderly people.
Apr 3, 2020

Don’t Take the Little thing for granted.

The days are just not the same. You think you have time to do it all but when something like this hits, you wonder what have I been doing with my time. The Corona Virus has impacted me in ways that are simple but yet so meaningful at this time. The little things that I take for granted like going to the grocery store or dropping by to get a bite to eat is now obsolete. Social distancing from my family and friends have been the worst. I can’t even see my mom like I want right now for the fear of her getting sick. She has cancer and things have been put on hold for her now due to the epidemic. I am a person that likes to visit me elderly people and I can’t at the moment. Just walking out the door now I am so much more cautious. My neighbor across the street from me would usually come in the yard and now we’re talking at the edge of the driveways. My little cousins that I see day to day, I can’t anymore because I’m trying to keep my distance and follow the rules. My heart goes out to the elderly that don’t have anyone to check on them and the homeless. I want to help my community out so much but at the risk of becoming sick is so scary. I have learned that the things we take for granted should be the ones that we cherish the most because at anytime they can be stripped from us without warning. I miss the kids that I work with as well, all of them, good, challenged and some a little defiant but what I would do to have conversation with them now.
Apr 3, 2020

Safer at home in Lovely Jupiter

Everyone is home. Normally a good thing but my boys would prefer to be in school (one in High School the other in college). It’s a challenge with the uncertainty of the future with AP and AICE exams cancelled. As well as SAT and ACT! But we are fortunate that my husband can do his job from home (and that he has a job!) and we have a pantry and fridge full of food. I’m immune compromised with a sore throat and cough so every time I cough (which is often), my husband worries. I am not worried as I don’t have a fever or pain. But I haven’t left the house (except to run) in three weeks! Thank goodness for C25K and Healthier Jupiter! You got me started so I can keep up outdoor activity and wave to neighbors (from a distance) while I’m out. We are fortunate to live in lovely Jupiter! Now if only I could find a washable wearable face mask…
Apr 3, 2020

Appreciate what you have.

The corona virus has pushed me to be more open minded about other people’s situations. Often times we go through life not taking in the perspectives of other people’s lives. So hearing what other people are going through has made me appreciate the things I have in my life . I have learned to not take the small things for granted and be mindful that what I might find as an inconvenience for me may be a blessing for someone else.On one of my virtual staff meetings I heard that people were having difficulty in household in pbc with more than one child because they all couldn’t have their own laptop. I would have never thought of that as a potential issue for anyone because I only have one sibling who I don’t have to share a computer with.In that moment we realized that it was good thing we hadn’t gotten my sister a laptop from the county because there are children who don’t have any computer access at all. SO us getting her a computer would have been taking away from a child that may have no other computer access in the home.So although her computer doesn’t work properly sometimes,she has access to other people with computers and its better than not having one at all.
Apr 2, 2020


Hi my name is Darryl Sanders Jr. I am a freelance videographer/photography. I was firstly affected by the closing of venues due to the Corona Virus Outbreak which caused clients to cancel their events therefore forcing me to lose deposits from previously booked event. It has also effected my bookings because no one can have social gatherings for months ahead so i have no source of income to pay my bills at this time. Its also been hard finding groceries and proper sanitation products to keep my environment clean. Also my kids schooling has been effected been effected and i dont feel i could teach them at home as well as they would learn in a class setting. We are just looking forward to all of this getting behind of and going back to our daily lives without fear of leaving our home and contracting a deadly illness.
Apr 2, 2020

How did we get here?

Space. I need my space. I need space to unwind, to educate my children, to do my work, to support my family, to make space for connections of loved ones. My space has gone from the world to my home. It is constricting, overwhelming, frustrating, scary, fun, new and so much more. There is no normal. The days blend, the hours blend. It could be worse. It is worse for so many others. How can I help but still be true to myself, family and networks? My family needs space.How did we get here?

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