Emotional tone: Negative


Julia frazier was born right here in boynton beach in december of 1946. Things were great! They were so different. We were taught if you see an adult …You speak. If someone grown in the neighborhood say you did something…Well guess what you did it..If you disputed an elder you got a whipping!There were no guns,loud music and if you saw an elder you said… Yes ma’am or no ma’am when they asked you a question.


I now social distance in my everyday life my daughter didn’t have a graduation and she and i were both upset about about it. So many things were canceled for her

Corona (Story #910)

Hello my name is Michelle Rhoden since Corona had came along I had been forced to leave my job to watch my grand baby my husband work all day and he manage to pay all bills for the house due to me having no income coming in I have a hard time paying for things that we need for the house baby clothes and diapers. I would love to be able to help my husband out for our household I have no help from my daughter what’s so ever.


The virus caused me to experience unemployment. I was unable to get/maintain a job during this time. I am also stuck at home without anything to do. I don’t like going out with masks as well. It just makes it harder to breathe and talk in them.


The pandemic has cost me my job. It has made life difficult to provide for my two daughters. One that is a college student and one that is a rising senior. The Virus made life difficult because of the many bills and the shortage of money/food coming in for my family. It is also negative because many jobs are scarce because of COVID-19.

No Track. No soccer.

The corona virus affected my life because it cut off my track season for school and soccer season for the AYSO organization. I know have to work twice as hard to get a track scholarship to schools and now have limited school options because many colleges/universities cut their track programs.

# 36 She Doesn’t hink the Virus Will Ever Go Away

Carol Woodside is an 82 years young native of Kentucky. She has lived in Boynton Beach for over 20 years.Ms Carol has trouble with the use of her legs. So her,mobility, is or can be an issue. ms Woodside continuously has Doctor’s visit to find the cause of her leg issues.She lives alone and never gives up on her just cause.She doesn’t think the virus will ever go away< And she has nw figured out that when she needs to go somewhere she has to go. Ms Woodside has no living relatives in the area.Ms Carol had an issue months back with her Water and now needs assistance with it , As well as, her Electric

# 38 Mrs Green Says She Is Doing Her

Mrs Clara Green has been widowed for 35 years young. She has a vibrancy that will knock you off your feet! Mrs Green says that she is Doing Her at 76 years young! The Leadership opened the community too soon. And things are getting worse. Just take a look at Boynton beach a designated HOTSPOT!My advice is the Leadership should have allowed things to cool down.It is keeping the death toll on the rise.She has acquired a brand new lexus and she hasn’t driven it far at all, call her for a ride!Mrs Green has been widowed 35 years.


Vera Jenkins had an emergency procedure on May 29th .It involved her intestines being wrapped around her stomach. She is currently living with her Granddaughter, Tamika Hadley, who is providing care for her. She has lost her husband and 2 adult children within a five year span.Mrs Jenkins has triumphed over those tragedies stronly holding on to God’s hand.She has a 2 year old Great-Grand,Imani, Whom she calls her own. Arriving in Boynton Beach,, Mrs Vera has lived here since the 1960’s. Mrs Vera married a brother as well as her sister I enjoy her her oul dish of collard greens , Mrs Jenkis is a Georgia Girl! Mrs Vera could use assistance with her ELECTRIC and City Of Boynton WATER.