The virus impacted my life by changing it totally. Right now, I am suppose to be in college taking classes. Instead I am at home talking online classes. My outside activities are limited because of the stay at home order the governor issued. The virus impacted my mood, I am getting more depressed when I am locked inside.
Emotional tone: Negative
Senior year ruined
I am so mad that my graduation got ruined. This sucks totally! This virtual graduation ceremony is a bad idea. I rather wait until it is safe to be out again and give us the graduation that we deserve. Thanks Corona for ruining my senior year!
Face masks are sold out
Face masks are sold out in many stores due to the increased number of coronavirus cases in America. I have been trying to find enough face masks for my family, but so are other people who are trying to protect their families as well. I will continue to pray for all of those who have been infected and their families.
The days that have shaken my life
The greatest impact is that it has kept my family away. I can’t see my grandchildren or hug them and that is the biggest disappointment ever. I have had several great friends pass away and I have underlined health issues so I can’t attend church or go to any funeral services. I really don’t want to go out or interact with other people. I already have breathing issues, so coronavirus would not be good for me. A lot of the essential things I need from the grocery stores are out. My friends can’t get them either. Such as Clorox, tissue, hand sanitizer, and lysol.
Coronas Unexpectedly inconvenient. J. Charles
Expect the best but be prepared for the worst. Just a simple phrase till it all hits home. This corona virus pandemic has effected so many including myself, in the most inconvenient ways possible. With no money being made, and so many Bills to keep up with, the stress is tremendous. Dont get me started on the anxiety of having to keep up with so many precautions. With the Elderly being more susceptible to this Virus, and me living with Elderly family members under my care is a horrendous mix. The stress of this virus is is putting me into a depression. The effect of Corona virus is not only physical. It’s also psychological. Having to stress about how to keep up with something as simple as a water bill is inhumane.
J. Charles Corona Experience
Bills, Stress, worry of the unknown…. all effects this Corona virus pandemic is having on me. As if it wasn’t bad enough to have to panic over a deadly virus, I must be out of work with Bills piling up on me!! Me and so many Others have to suffer as a result of this virus. Mentally and physically, the stress is truly inhumane.
I can’t go where I want to go or do anything that I want to do. Everyone is staying home. I left my home to stay with other family as my spouse and I weren’t getting along too well. I had health issues prior to the virus and I did not want to stay with someone in and out of the house. I am not worried because I know that God will handle everything.
A Sad Situation But God is In Control
I can’t work. I was furloughed off of both jobs. I basically have don’t any income. I have no applied for unemployment because people have said it was too hectic and a waste. I don’t like standing in food lines. It’s been an entire change. Cant go to work, you can’t see your grandkids. I miss my friends! Everyone is tense but I’m learning to cope and live with things I thought I needed like hair and nails. There are people doing worse. I’m doing my best to help out my neighbors. Someone at my church had the virus and she said it was no joke. She almost died. This made me so paranoid! But I’m trying to remain positive and wear my mask if I have to leave my house. I had dental work that I wasn’t able to get finished. I paid them over 3,000. Horrible timing. I had a prepaid trip for March that was cancelled
Social distancing (Story #328)
With this corona virus I havent been able to go out and get my medicine from the doctors so my daughter has been trying to get everything i need.
Home alone
My grandson is unable to attend public school. This is placing alot of stress on him. He is an only child and have very few opportunities to be with other kids his age. This is not natural for a child his age.