Emotional tone: Neutral


Ms A, is a 91 yr old lady that has some issues sy=tll from the death of her boyfriend of many years.She misses him dearly. She says ,the thought of our nations being caught up in these perilous times is ashame.She rides around the confines of her complex only.She recieves meals from FSF,


I am petrified and overwhelmed about what we have gotten ourselves into. I am a Bahamian and I have been in Boynton Beach for over 50 years. This, I cannot ,fathom. I came here for the best of everything, I do not enjoy cooking, the virus has made eating out a thing of the past. the government should not be opening up pblic gathering spots sos soon at least until most have been tested.


Mrs Taylor boast about her experience with coming to AMERICA FOR A BETTER LIFE FOR herself.She feels like the government on a national level is responsible for this getting out of hand.Testing requirements for all. A stricter stay at home policy and tell the truth to the people that pay taxes!


I am a working man .This virus and the neglect that proceeded it is not right. This has cost everyone living in America. I value every word repeated by the government. I adhere to the stay at home laws.America has rose to this terrible virus. It is deadly!

#60 He Leans On His Own Understanding

Ms Sullivan’s story is reflected in her dad’s name SOLOMAN MACK.Mr. Mack has been diagnosed with Dementia for a couple of years.He still has a sense of humor and very opinionated.He has been at the V.A. and JFK hospitals for surgery, He is now home thriving .He does have some issues he says with going out.However,he still continues to play checkers with the neighbors as he always has.’HE LEANS ON HIS OWN UNDERSTANDING OF THE VIRUS. He takes walks every morning.As a way,to receive his therapy. The physical therapist isn’t coming anymore due to the virus..

#66 (Story #269)

Ms Northern is a care-giver. She supports the needs of her older brother . He is diagnosed with dementia. She says,her their feelings are pretty bottle up.It’s a struggle to deal with her brother wanting to go to daycare. But, because of the virus he is not presently attending. She is fearful of going to the grocery store so one of her churhc-going friends goes for her.She is a cancer survivor.

#69 It brings tears to my eyes

Mrs Tucker’s immediate response was America is way over the top! never thought that I would see America looking as a third world country.. This brings tears to my eyes. I came here for opportunity.Now I have lost a husband since being here. I cannot seem to get over the lost I only way out of this is kneeling for prayer.


Testing did not start soon enough.Those that need testing will never be tested.They really don’t have transportation. Therefore, they will not be called back to work if they are working. Many,who need food aren’t receiving it, Why? because, you must have a car to be in lineShe does not have faith in the statistics being provided.The Farmers and migrant workers live clustered(she has an admiration for this group of people).It is here! It will never leave this earth!

#53 WE Will Never Be The Same

This Lady has survived the death of two daughters at the same time.She is always known as meek ,soft-spoken and mild,She stated that she has NEVER,EVER seen anything such as this . And when it’s all over we will never be the same.

#57 Trying to make ends with 3 jobs

You don’t know who has the Corona Virus that’s the scary part!My daughter and I are adhering to the ordinances that nave been set.Not everyone is wearing protection and being careful.My employment has diminished with the Church ,crossing guard and the Senior program,Trying to make ends with 3 jobs , it is devastating and scary, Now,I don.t have one job!