Because it is recommended that she stay in place due to high risk symptoms. She says that her illnesse has limited her movement for years. Isolation has been her issue. However, she would take a trip to the closet Nursing facility to visit her Mother. Now, she speaks to her Mother by phone only. I suggested that she call the facility to inquire if the virus has spread there. She has had a list of her church members succumb to the virus. She named them one by one. This is the last place, I thought the virus would spread!
Frequency: Commonplace
She had planned to spend sometime with her cousins in Miramar. However, because of Miramar’s Stay-at-home Order,she was unable to spend some quality time with family during the Easter Holiday.She is an 85 yr old widow. However, she has a strong support of family in Virginia and Canada. It is her niece, in Virginia, that orders grocery for her based on what she likes and prefers. She is adhering to the ordinances that have been set forward by the State, And has no strong opinion on the proposed outcome of the Corona Virus settling. Her neighbors keep a watchful eye on her.She looks forward to receiving her Stimulus Check. She,also, sees an increase in her food stamps . This makes her quite appreciative.
#19 Who could be that MEAN?
This is one of the most compelling stories . She did not realize how devastating this Virus is/was..Until it took her oldest Sister.s life on a Wednesday in the middle of March. Her sister did not wake up that morning. She thought who could be that MEAN?? This is not an act of the ALMIGHTY. She is very agitated with our national leader. Because,our national leader mentioned that the Virus started in January of 2020. This is false information, she states. By the way, her sister’s husband also tested positive for the Virus. But he is a survivor.Her interment has been postponed until next weekend.
Grieving Alone
My father passed away on March 31 of heart failure. He was alone in the hospital room when he should have been surrounded by family. By the time the hospital called my mom to tell her he was not going to make it, it was too late. She arrived at the hospital 10 minutes after he passed. We should have all gathered at our parents’ home and held each other and grieved. Instead, we stood 6 ft. away from our mother on her porch while she sat there and cried.
#16 No vaccine
It’s getting adjusted to staying home that bothers me .I go to the gym daily, enjoyed attending church and senior activites w/field trips. The lonliness is driving me crazy at 76 years of age.But it is for the safety and good of the community. The streets are empty and I love walking but I will remain safe in my house, The only place that I must go ; is to get grocery for only me. Florida is heavily populated with Seniors and the Governor should have made the rules more stricter sooner. Because,there is no vaccine.
#18 The Great Unknown
Her favorite cousin’s husband transitioned at a Nursing Home in Chicago,ILL from the Corona Virus.The impact right now is extremely overwhelming for her. She is unable to see her 11 yr old and 13 yr old Grands. Her Son,who is unemployed, due to the Virus, Because,he is employed as an entertainer.This virus,she says, has changed her entire life! she is so baffled. This has so swiftly taken over our lives, It.s like a World War …The Great Unknown! So,she continues her gardening to attract the most beautiful Florida butterflies including my favorite,The Monarch. This is a hobby that keeps her mind geared to her strong Faith and Goodness! She is having a tough time with food. I have a someone who will assist her with food for the remainder of the month!
#17 The people are being disobedient
The government has been leading the way. It is the citizens not using their common sense to adhere to the rules and laws of the land. The people are being disobedient. The church has been open exposing the elderly population to the virus. I have an aide that come to my home 4 days e week to continuously assist me with my personal
Mu Mother is 86 yrs of age. She is currently in a nursing facility in New Jersey. It is a relief. She is unable to facetime nor text me . I yearn to hug her and visit with her. Bringing her all of her hearts desires to the facility. I speak with by phone 3 to 4 times per day. I am under quarantine per my doctor due to me helping other elders by transporting them to the hospital for care and church attendance. This has hindered me from ordering food from the grocery stores and getting prepared meals. The prepared meals received are delectable and an added blessing. My gym has closed where i am paying for a membership that I am unable to use. Dr.’s appointments have been cancelled so my health maybe at risk or in a deficiency. I,no longer, can help the elders in my apartment complex. as a result of my quarantine.
#7 Very Fortunate
In all my 63 years, I never thought that I would see Americans let alone my neighbors and people who I grew up with walking around in facial coverings. This corona virus has devastated this Community and Nation. How can a country bring down the prices of oil/gas and food. And not be able to take care of the population of homelessness in times like these. I do not want to point fingers at our national leadership, He does realize a need to stop the spread of this devastating life -threatening virus, I have do mot have any food insecurities,my daughters take care of my needs. I was in the hospital 2weeks ago with fluid on my lungs. I am extremely fortunate.
I never thought that I would have to be in protective gear like gloves,facial covering to run to the grocery to pick-up a few items and to come home an cautiously take off all the clothing you wore to the grocery store and disinfect your car, home and more importantly your body after arriving back from the grocery or any place else. This is like a nightmare that could have been avoided by all leaders agreeing to freeze the movement of its people in a timely manner.