Frequency: Commonplace

The Trump Effect

I live in boca raton a seemingly quiet city with a diverse community. Upon the election back in 2016, everything changed. People started to act rude, disrespectful, obnoxious and violent to anyone who didn’t look like them. The celebration was openly vicious and humiliating. A simple thing like crossing the street or walking in the mall make you feel uncomfortable and that you did not belong. Politics has taken over even the young children have changed their behaviors toward anyone who does not agree with their parents thought process on this election. It has been two years and I silently watch as we return to our normal routines however there is still the feeling of fear and chaos, silently watching and saying extra prayers so that I do not get stopped by law enforcement….It is the most intense feeling living in a place were you can no longer trust the people around you not even the people who are to protect you…….

Extra items- laroderick richardson

My neighborhood is normal we have parties the kids always playing. With each other a story is that a new person moved in and we had a party and invited him and he came and brought soda and cake and pizza we did not know he will bring all that stuff but he did

Long time ago- laroderick

When I joined my high school cheerleading team and I realized that the coach for my high school cheerleading team was the same coach I had when I was in delray Rocks cheerleading team of someone was to think about that noticing how small and connected Delray Beach is that we could I could be on different cheerleading teams at two different money’s in my life and have the same exact coach till this day I am 23 and still connected to that coach I am the god mother of her daughter

Rehab-Devonte white

Getting off drugs changed my life. I was on drugs bad and i had to realize who i was. I went to rehab to get my life together and things been good ever sense.

Nurse -Devonte white

Important moment in my life was going through nursing school. I always wanted to be a nurse and i made it into reality

Bullys-Devonte white

Coming up i was a big bully and I realized i hurt many people. My peoples always told me to be kind to people but i never listened. Now my son is dealing with bullies at school

My husband- Devonte white

Coming up I had alot of important moments in my life. I was finding my husband and i still remember how theres where. Until he was killed by a drive by shooting.

Great hearts-Rickia

I lived in boynton all my life. Beautiful city but ugly people. There are people that have great hearts and I’ve met plenty of them but one time i went to the corner store and and i saw a mother and a child outside she had one bag of chips. Her daughter cried she was hungry and she pushed her the chips she looked up and asked her mom if she was hungry and mom shook her head no but when i asked she said yes i gave her money i went back to that same spot a couple months later she gave me 40$ and told me thank you. And she looked great

Buying a house- Devonte white

Important moment in my life was buying a house. I saved all my money and worked two jobs to get my own house. I did not want to live with my mom anymore

Accident-Devonte white

I got into a accident when i was walking across the street. Almost caused it my life i been in sharps pains every since. I always think about the situation