The virus had me stuck in the bahamas because my people are too scared of me to fly back to Miami
Frequency: Commonplace
My life has been pretty good so far. I mean i do miss football but ive been working out and doing what i usually do. Ive been exploring my town and doing new things with my family
Only down fall i can remember from this virus is not having a chance to see my teammates one more time before I transferred.
It made my life so boring, all i literally do is play the game, workout, or on facetime. I want to facetime literally, in person.
Strange Virus
Corona had impacted my life in a very strange way, I did get to graduate since it was in December, I got my dream job but Im not even able to work because Of the virus sadly.
Family time (Story #765)
Corona has really impacted my life, my mother is out of work the only good thing I get out of it is the time spent with my family
Limited (Story #840)
The only thing changed is not being able to see my Dad side of the family as much as I use to. I live with my mom and my dad lives 1 hour away. I use to go every weekend but now they both are scared for me to travel with the fear of contracting the virus.
big body
It really only changed the amount I workout. I probably workout 3x as much as i would normally.
This virus has been nothing but trouble. It seems like i cant get nothing right in life at the moment. But ill keep on praying and have faith its going to get better
Corona really sucked and its keeping my family out of work and me away from football I feel like my life is ruined.