My name is Kim. With this Pandemic I’ve experienced ups/downs/frustration/aggravation/ but most of all how to pray more. I can’t say that I’m 100% back to normal I just try and deal wit this COVID day by day. It took a toll on me in the beginning my anxiety level went sky high. I can say that it was a learning experience on how to better prepare for the worst. I do believe It will help me better in the future with patience for many people.
Gender: Female
I now social distance in my everyday life my daughter didn’t have a graduation and she and i were both upset about about it. So many things were canceled for her
I dont know
Kids home eating all day light in water bill getting sky high…
Struggling through the pandemic
My household is made up of my four children ages 11,8,4 and 7 month old along with my husband and I. I stay home to take care of the kids while my he works. My husband works in landscaping, but his hours have been shortened more and more due to the pandemic. This has left us unable to catch up or pay rent. He has been trying to find work and was able to work twenty three days but his boss did not pay him for the work he did so now we are six months behind in rent. This situation has also caused me to rely on the assistance of friends to help pay bills like my phone bill.
Living through Covid
Covid has impacted my life a lot just from the cut down of work and trying to support two babies on my own my 1yr old was supposed to start school but it has been pushed back due to the virus and the school being closed so I had to pay a sitter to watch them their grandmother try to help me with them but shes on dialysis and she cant keep them as often. Im a single mother whos kids fathers was indicted just before this whole pandemic thing got out of hand he was a big help with the kids but once he was taking into custody it was just me Ive been working to support my family as much as I can but once this pandemic rolled out I couldnt do much and than I had the baby which my job doesnt pay maternity leave so money that I had saved went towards my bill which forced me to go back to work earlier than what I should have been even with me having a C section and even than it was limited hours due to me working in a restaurant.
Heart breaking effect
Well as an African America young woman i find it very heartbreaking to see our brothers and sisters hurt in such a tragic way.
No Title
The pandemic caused me to lose my job and cause me to have depression and anxiety. Being alone is one of the things I do not like about the pandemic. I like being around people because that was one of the ways I copped with my anxiety and depression. I would say that it has gotten worse since the lock-down started.
Keeping my daddy safe..
I missed 3 weeks of work when it first started because of all the uncertainties. My father has severe asthma. He is also COPD. I care for him and was afraid I would catch it and bring it to him. He is already having a difficult time. My daughter is also asthmatic.I work as a transit driver for mentally and physically disabled individuals. Its impossible to not come in contact with them. Some dont understand that they must wear a mask and constantly takes it off. I transport individuals in wheelchairs and on walkers who need my hands on assistance.
Corona (Story #910)
Hello my name is Michelle Rhoden since Corona had came along I had been forced to leave my job to watch my grand baby my husband work all day and he manage to pay all bills for the house due to me having no income coming in I have a hard time paying for things that we need for the house baby clothes and diapers. I would love to be able to help my husband out for our household I have no help from my daughter whats so ever.
My Family and Our Health
The positive that came out of the pandemic was the family bonding I had with my 1, 2, and 17 year old kids. The negative thing that came out of the corona virus was unemployment, living paycheck to paycheck, no money coming in to support my family or provide decent safety for them. Unemployment is not enough to feed 6 people in the household. I am also a victim of unemployment, since most of all the schools are closed and am in fear of my safety of going out in the medical field.