Gender: Female

Education vs Corona

The corona virus has mostly impacted the way my daughter is learning. I feel like because I work a lot I am unable to give her the proper education she needs and it bothers me a lot.

Nene story

The coronavirus has a big impact on me because I can not going to school

Story #630

The coronavirus has impacted my life in many ways. It has taken the life of my loved ones in Switzerland, Italy and England. Due to the distance between my family members, it made it even harder to support each other during this time.At the same time, my family in Florida have been in the midst of moving during this pandemic, which affected my classwork and mental health.

COVID-19 Loss

I have had to move from Florida to a location a 1000 miles away because of COVID-19. I lost my home and my friends with less than 1 weeks notice. I was unable to walk across the stage. I was unable to deliver the graduation speech I was voted for by my peers. I was unable to say goodbye to the advisors I’ve adored so much. I lost the last two months of my senior year. I lost my favorite job as a teaching assistant and never really got to say goodbye to the lab that I feel in love with over the years. COVID-19 took a lot from me.

COVID-19 Changes

I have a pre-existing health condition that effects my lungs, so I had to move back to my hometown to adjust my ability to control my exposure. In doing so, I had to continue paying for an apartment I could not use, and I had to leave my job because it was no longer safe for me to work and I was not given a remote work option. I also had to repurchase items such as clothing and textbooks because I did not think that I would be away from my apartment for months when I originally left.

School (Story #600)

Coronavirus has stopped me from going to school and participating in summer classes I struggle with taking online classes for the spring or sometime in May and my family decided that we will no longer participate in summer classes in my community Bellglade we have a problem with quarantining and things are turning upside down I truly believe coronavirus I started it operate in my community and only we can fix it.

I’m Trying Times Don’t Quit Trying

In everything give thanks. I am at risk because of my age and thank god not because I have a medical conditions. One thing I miss is going out to dinner. I ate out at least 3 times a week. I also miss the children at the school where I volunteer. Now, I will share a story. The following week after the Pandemic started there were 3 little boys that knocked on my door this was around 8:30 pm on a Thursday night and asked if I would give them some food. I recognized them from the community but I was not familiar with the family. I gave the little boys a bag of chips, a pack of cookies and a sip up. (I have grands). The boys started coming 3 to 4 times a week I decided to ask for their parents phone number. I introduced myself. The parents were very grateful. Now, I have adopted 6 snack recipients . I am so happy with the gift god has given to me to serve children.This to shall pass and I will continue to serve. There is a reason and a season for everything. Thank you


I was released from my university and forced to obtain a full time night shift job. I got this job because my mother need assistance with my other 5 siblings who had also been released from their educational institutions. It is unfair, and uncomfortable to not be able to receive my education anymore.


I have learned how too take one day at a time. To love and appreciate your family and friends because tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Grateful too still be employed and recieving a paycheck.