Gender: Female

Concern about the corona virus crisis

This crisis make us scare everyone. We are unable to hug friend and family. This crisis turn the world upside down no one knows when it’s going over

A Cheerless Pandemic

The sudden and unexpected orders of community and business shutdowns brought about by COVID-19 have had tremendous effects on me, my family, and our small business during this time. Our passion for sports and children is expressed through East Coast Flames Allstarts, our competitive cheerleading and training facility that serves approximately 65 athletes and their families. We are open yearly for athletic training and team building, and travel through the months of December-May for competitions and performances across the state. We’ve been running this business, meeting and training new athletes and children of all ages for the last 20 years. This is the first time in our history that our season has ended so abruptly, and left us disconnected not only from our jobs, but from our extended family. We’ve gone from seeing one another daily, to now being a part for well over a month due to quarantine. The virus outbreak has changed our daily routines, our relationships with others, and most importantly the way we view our world. The love of cheerleading has played a major part of our lives for so many years, and now that we’ve gone without it for such a long time, we question how will physical connections recover when the virus is over? Our main priority during this time is safety, without a doubt, but will we get back to doing the things we truly love any time soon? On the other hand, I have been able to spend quality time and remain my health safely at home with my immediate family. I have stayed up to date with the updates from our officials and leaders, and have an extreme appreciation for those on the front lines to compat this pandemic. All in all, I have been doing my best to remain hopeful and uplifted that in doing my part of staying home, and encouraging those around me through our virtual link ups to do the same, I am confident that together we will all be able to overcome these uncertain and unfortunate times.

Pandemic (Story #372)

When I first found out about the corona virus, I thought that It was going to stay in China and not spread to the United States, I had no idea the horror that lied ahead. Firstly, I heard that It was in my country, then my state, then my county. Soon enough, a kid that goes to palm beach county schools ended up with the corona virus, so the governor decided to close all schools in Palm Beach County. This news came to me with a shock. I was in my math class when doing my work when my teacher said that we have 2 weeks off from school due to the corona virus, but then weeks turned into months and here we are. To be honest, when I heard that the corona virus has spread across the world, the feeling of worry spread all the way across my face.


Do school from home for students is a bit different for some kids because they are used to being at school physically. Teachers contact their students through google meet or google zoom on the computers that they have at home or the school computers that their school has given them. The students get their assignments every week from every-single class. Some classes give a little bit of work and others give a lot of work. The students still have deadlines to turn in their assignments. Most classes have attendance, but they use different types of attendance, like interesting questions for you to answer or the just have you fill out an online sheet that asks you if you’re present.

The days that have shaken my life

The greatest impact is that it has kept my family away. I can’t see my grandchildren or hug them and that is the biggest disappointment ever. I have had several great friends pass away and I have underlined health issues so I can’t attend church or go to any funeral services. I really don’t want to go out or interact with other people. I already have breathing issues, so coronavirus would not be good for me. A lot of the essential things I need from the grocery stores are out. My friends can’t get them either. Such as Clorox, tissue, hand sanitizer, and lysol.


Many of the restaurants that I got to allow pick up and delivery which makes it convenient because we won’t have contact. Many stores end up getting so crowded that now many stores have limits on the number of people allowed in stores.


I have to wear a mask wherever I go because of where I work. I make sure to use Hand sanitizer after I’m done working and I also make sure to take extra long showers before my family gets home. We all also take our temperatures to make sure everyone is healthy and hasn’t been infected.


Not only has the coronavirus forced people to stay in their homes but it also led to many people losing work and not being able to pay their bills. I hope that everyone gets the money that they were promised by trump. I also hope that people find more ways to work from home because the more cases the harder it becomes to cure.

Coronas Unexpectedly inconvenient. J. Charles

Expect the best but be prepared for the worst. Just a simple phrase till it all hits home. This corona virus pandemic has effected so many including myself, in the most inconvenient ways possible. With no money being made, and so many Bills to keep up with, the stress is tremendous. Dont get me started on the anxiety of having to keep up with so many precautions. With the Elderly being more susceptible to this Virus, and me living with Elderly family members under my care is a horrendous mix. The stress of this virus is is putting me into a depression. The effect of Corona virus is not only physical. It’s also psychological. Having to stress about how to keep up with something as simple as a water bill is inhumane.


I’m normally inside, so being inside doesn’t bother. What does bother me is when I start running out of items and I go to the store and everyone is bulk buying things so they aren’t In the stores. When this whole thing started, I was on my last roll of toilet paper. Family dollar was empty. I called my sister, she didn’t have a lot, but she was able to give me a few rolls. I don’t like not being able to have access to the things. I don’t think it’s affecting me like everyone else as I am retired. I was worried about whether I was going to get my direct deposit from the bank but that was not an issue. My bills have gotten paid and I’m pretty much where I was before it got started. I did have the flu in February and I have severe sinusitis. For this reason, I don’t like to wear the mask but I have to. This makes me panic because its difficult breathing. I do self checks and deep breaths to make sure I’m good.