I came to GA from FL to find and purchase a home on 3/4. I am living with my daughter, son in law, granddaughters & visually impaired great great grandson. I am in awe at the team we have become. We game plan on our needs of mask, disinfections, toilet tissue, food, walks, essential errands and entertainment.
Gender: Female
Due to the corona virus i have been stuck in the house and not able to go out and get my medication.
#36 Better Days Ahead
My family prevents me from going out. Mainly,because of my high blood pressure and being a stroke victim. So,they are scared for me ! She believe if you experience any symptoms and visit your Doctor you will die. She says atke ginger,cloves,lemon with warm water to improve your health.She is responsible for her 17 yr old Granddaughter who attends Atlantic High’s International Baccalaureate Program and her studies online daily.She is praying for better days ahead!My son,that lives in Boston,is taking care of his newborn daily.
#40 I gave her flowers while she was living:
She is adhering to the ordinances of the land. However, She has osteoporosis and she is a former business owner, She has always been recognized as the first African-American florist in Boynton Beach. She has lost a friend of 52 yers to the Covid19, she has fond memories of her , She plans to name a garden in her memory. She also named others who have died from this PANDEMIC and attend her church.She is a
There is nothing that can be done about the Virus especially under this administration, I follow the rules. I have plenty to do at home. Although, I go out when I need too. Hope and praying is the key,I lost my 84 yr old oldest Sister to the Virus on March 25th and she will have graveside services on April 20th. It took awhile because her husband was also diagnosed with the Virus . He is a survivor.Her two(2) daughters are essential workers , She has one as a traveling Nurse in Georgia and the other works as a driver for Fed-Ex. She says that I keep them in Pray!
#26 I Just Don’t Know
She had a total knee replacement 3 yrs ago . She has suffered with pain and the ability to not be able to be independent at the age of 73 yrs old as result of her knee surgery, She has been limited movement and has been at home for the exception of Dr.’s appts .Her feeling about the virus are I just don’f know. Her daughter provides her all her needs .She feels extremely safe at home.
#35 Social Gatherings
My adult children have been catering to my needs to prevent me from leaving the house I am 72 yrs old with chronic symptoms. I miss my social gatherings with others my peers.MY CHILDREN ARE HANDLING THE GROCERY,ANY OTHER MEALS NEEDED, AND BILLS THAT NEED PAYING.i do miss my meals being delivered.
#Onthebrightside #bittersweet
Coronavirus has been a positive and negative experience for me. On the positive side one of my streams of income will continue to come in. On the negative side, the way I am able to make extra money (to be able to save and not live paycheck to paycheck) would put me at risk by coming in contact with numerous people. Since I live with my grandmother, I’m unable to do this. I worry that the older people in my house are continuously going out for food. We bump heads a lot. On the bright side I’ve had the chance to work on being more active and I have had time to prepare healthier meals. (Minus one week of eating all junk and not being able to get enough motivation to do much outside of the bed.) My sister and I have started this new thing where we go on walks every day. On the negative side I am extremely tired of hearing about the virus and I’m hoping things will return to normal in May so that I can do the things I most enjoy again.
#25 The Outbreak of Diphtheria and Malaria
She is a 92 yrs old …worked for the Dept of Health in Palm Beach Co.for over 30 yrs. She remembers the outbreak of diphtheria and malaria. When those became an epidemic everyone she said, had to be tested and were given medicine to take at home. But this is a mess. no breakthrough with medications nor vaccines,I don’t go like I use too. So being at home watching T,V. works for me ,When I am outside it is now for paying bills ,banking and sometimes grocery with my adult children.The Leadership of this country needs to be replaced.
#34 (Story #197)
I was frightened by the symptoms given for the Covid19 due to me having a cough, But I am alright..I leave alone but have many friends here in Boynton. She is 85 yrs old and has always held her own. She tends to adhere to all safety rules . She however, could use cooked meals .She would like to begin again visiting loved ones in our local Nursing homes.