Gender: Female

#31 It’s Very sad

She has been at home for appx 2 mos. .Her 61 yr old daughter supplies all her earthly needs.She has custody of her 17 yr old granddaughter,who is a teen Mom (18 mos old) and her 16 yr old grandson, Their Mother died when they were young children. She has buried a husband and now is 74 yrs of age. Her thoughts on the Corona Virus are that It is very sad.

#29 This Is a Plague

She has the pleasure of her Grandson living with her. He helps her get out early mornings to get grocery taking advantage of Senior Early Shopping hours. The Virus has impacted her family due to her having essential workers a Son(in the Army) and Granddaughter(in the medical field). she noted that the national Leadership has known about this virus since letting Americans take their monies from the stock market in November of 2019. She ,now Church over the internet like so many others. And she reads her bible daily as a way of total entertainment.She sustains her way of this pandemic by leaning on her faith.This she notes is a :plague that is described in the Bible.

#23 I need a Haircut

I am my 93 yr old Father’s caregiver. I am 71 yrs old. My Father’s sister is hospitalized with the Corona Virus in South Carolina along with her daugher and granddaughter. I have a cousin in Georgia afflicted with this virus and another cousin in Mew York who died Saturday. His wife is also hospitalized and her condition is grave. I need to loosen up but I am until to do so presently. Safety [s a major concern using wipes , sanitizer and facial mask are as necessary as grocery staples. She is coping with her Father’s Dementia, He is constantly asking her When am I going to get a haircut? Because ,after his haircut He visits his girlfriend in Lake Worth,FL.

#32 I Am Humbled By All My experienes

If I had been going out and about this stay-at-home would be uncomfortable. I have been home for years so it doesn’t bother me. My husband passed in latter March after 57 yrs of marriage,he just fell over from heart issues. My girls and I have to prepare for a tribute to him that consisted of 30 persons. I fractured my hip on December 25th and rehabbed for 50 days. Home Health Care came to my home after my rehab stay. And I have not been able to return for more rehab at the facility due to the virus. So,I am still stuck at home. I am humble by all my experiences.

#27 This is the last Place I Thought The Virus Would Spread

Because it is recommended that she stay in place due to high risk symptoms. She says that her illnesse has limited her movement for years. Isolation has been her issue. However, she would take a trip to the closet Nursing facility to visit her Mother. Now, she speaks to her Mother by phone only. I suggested that she call the facility to inquire if the virus has spread there. She has had a list of her church members succumb to the virus. She named them one by one. This is the last place, I thought the virus would spread!

Pandemic affect

It has caused an enormous amount of stress for me in many ways. And has impacted the life’s of my family and myself. with the schools being closed, I’ve been forced to cut hours at work. Which has created another problem. (Financially ) I have also notice my utilities has gone up significantly due to the stay in home order. The kids are are not fully engaging into virtual learning. Most kids are hands on learners and are used to school like environments. witnessing my children which are a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader confined has been quite overwhelming for the whole entire family. And being a single parent has only added extra stress.

God is!!!

The Corona virus has effected me in a little way. I can’t go out to church like I use to but other than that I am truly Blessed to be here through it all.


She had planned to spend sometime with her cousins in Miramar. However, because of Miramar’s Stay-at-home Order,she was unable to spend some quality time with family during the Easter Holiday.She is an 85 yr old widow. However, she has a strong support of family in Virginia and Canada. It is her niece, in Virginia, that orders grocery for her based on what she likes and prefers. She is adhering to the ordinances that have been set forward by the State, And has no strong opinion on the proposed outcome of the Corona Virus settling. Her neighbors keep a watchful eye on her.She looks forward to receiving her Stimulus Check. She,also, sees an increase in her food stamps . This makes her quite appreciative.

#22 I Have Enough To Care For Me

This is the most cheery,vibrant 91 yr old ,I know… She only hangs around those who’s attitud e reflects her own..positive and meek. I am a social butterfly so I do miss going to brunch every Friday with my 5 girlfriends(who live on the other side of town) . Even though, she goes out everyday with friends to a commonplace called a greenspace she says she would become depressed if she could not go out daily. She refuses to not dance to her own beat! She has enough to care for herself. She never thought she would live this long being her Mother died at 58yrs old

#19 Who could be that MEAN?

This is one of the most compelling stories . She did not realize how devastating this Virus is/was..Until it took her oldest Sister.s life on a Wednesday in the middle of March. Her sister did not wake up that morning. She thought who could be that MEAN?? This is not an act of the ALMIGHTY. She is very agitated with our national leader. Because,our national leader mentioned that the Virus started in January of 2020. This is false information, she states. By the way, her sister’s husband also tested positive for the Virus. But he is a survivor.Her interment has been postponed until next weekend.