My grandson is unable to attend public school. This is placing alot of stress on him. He is an only child and have very few opportunities to be with other kids his age. This is not natural for a child his age.
Gender: Male
Cant work ! Cant eat.
I cater for a distancing,has pretty much eliminated my ability to earn income to support my family.
25 (Story #308)
The corona virus has changed the way I work on my job . I am a teacher . Schools are closed . I am doing online teaching now . The virus has slowed the progress of my restaurant build out . I cant visit friends and family Like I use to
Be aware
The way Corona virus is has affected my life is the last past month been very difficult because theres nothing really open and you cant really do anything.We pretty much are barricading indoors and I havent had anyone close to me affected with it but there are people out there who are and we need to take a situation like this very serious. We should actually listen to what they are telling us about washing your hands, stay indoors and wear a mask when youre going out.
My struggle is real
I live in Delray Beach but I work in Boca Raton my job temporarily closed because of the Coronavirus pandemic.So I filed for unemployment its been 3 weeks now since I filed unemployment. Still no word from them. Still no stimulus check I check my bank account every morning. For a person who lives paycheck to paycheck how do you survive with no paycheck? This is not a choice this is just me trying to be the best person I can be. Ive worked hard my whole life and now the reality hits. And everything I spent a lifetime working for Im at risk of losing. Its only been 4 weeks since I last worked but I already feel the pressure. I wonder whats next what do I do next. Life was already a struggle before the Coronavirus. But the one thing I do know is that as long as God blesses me to wake up every morning I promise never to give up.
Abbeys Story
Having to maintain my job, pick up a second job to help where my wife lost income, and trying to stay mentally and physically healthy.
A Hard 2020!
The lack of family interaction has been a major impact in my life. I have a 3 year old grandson and my stepdaughter is due with another grandson in July. For risk of infection, we can only facetime or talk through the windows. I also have a daughter who is graduating May 2nd from FSU, who had her heart set on walking across the stage, ut can’t.
#62 But For Now That’s The Way It Is
Mr. Rowe is 80 yrs old born and raised in Jamaica. He came here for a better life.He continues to wonder How did this happen? He has always had values of working hard. And America gave him that dream.He adheres to the law of staying in place. he doesn’t like it, But for now that’s the way it is.
Future not bright
Stressed about the future. America is not handling this well. If something worse happens I’m worried we’ll crumble.
Mr Thompson says That he and his Wife aren’t fearful. However,they are witnessing relatives and friends with this fear. The Fear of not knowing how and why is consistently on the World’s mind.He says.people are using the mask and gloves incorrectly. By the way,mrs Thompson is a retired nurse.