With the whole pandemic going on right now theres nothing we can do about it. So i just hope everyone is staying healthy and safe in this strange time in life.
Gender: Male
Graduation (Story #227)
The corona virus has impact my life in a huge way this year i was supposed to walk across the stage and due to the pandemic its not possible.
Strange times
While in this pandemic i have lost my job and been at home every-since. I currently the stimulus check and is in no need. I just hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.
7 (Story #199)
The coronavirus has impacted my life a lot. I cant go to school and I have done learning distance. I find it kind of difficult because I struggle in math and for me to do online class going to more difficult.I have to work during this quarantine, I work with the elderly. I do room service because due to the virus. The elderly people wanted to talk to me but I can’t. I truly feel bad for them. During this quarantine I been planning for college and what going want to do. My senior Activity got cancelled even Graduation. It really hurt me because my mom wanted to see me walk and get my diploma. I sometimes feel like this is never-ending nightmare.
#39 What are we going to do?
He and his wife have lost 3 family members to this pandemic (one in Guyana & 2 In New York).They are asking themselves What are we going to do about getting food? I suggested that they contact Helping Hands in Boynton Beach for USDA pick-up.Their adult children are bringing in the grocery and yaking care of all responsibilities of the household.The Husband cut his hand and on top of that has encountered a Heart triple by-pass surgery. So,He must adhere to the Covid19 regulations.
I was in college and had to pick everything i was doing up and move back home for the while. Its all something new to us so i just hope everyone is staying safe.
#36 Police Stopped Me
Police stopped him for not wearing a mask while he was taking his morning walk, The Virus has no bearing on his life and the life of his family as noted. He went to the grocery store this morning to order his grocery. At presently,he has no food insecurities,no issue with getting out paying his bills.He hopes this is over before the November election, He wants his vote to remove the leader of this nation out of office.He is a a very positive guy. He doesn’t seem to allow gray skies to remove his always positive outlook on life. He is the go to family member. Because,his only daugher has dealt with chemo and his wife has chronic conditions.
he has lived in Boynton Beach for appx 10 years. He is a caregiver for his wife. She has chronic illnesses and very seldom leaves the house, He is very active with the distributing of foods to locals from his church. He had a cousin living in Detriot that died from the Virus. He says the leadership of this Country has drowned us . I guess we got to pray it out off this Country, he said.
#34 (Story #198)
He and his wife of over 50 years moved here from New York. They both have recovered from lung cancer. It is very important that they adhere to the ordinances set forward locally,statewide and nationally.Their daughter lives about 4 miles from them . She does all of their shopping and errands .They were receiving meals from CCC for appx 7 years. But, no meals today!
The unexpected disaster
The corona virus has impacted my life through many ways:1. It stopped me from selling T-shirts because I am entrepreneur2. It stopped me from going to the gym and working out3. It stopped me from dining in at my favorite restaurants4. It affected my entertainment because celebrities aren’t able to gather together to create content5. It affected me and my girlfriend birthday, because we weren’t able to celebrate how we wanted to6. It made me more conscious of who I am around and increased my disinfecting skills7. Having to wear masks to go to common place areas like grocery stores, etc.8. Makes me feel sad to see people around the world struggle with the virus and thankful that me and my loved ones haven’t been in contact with it,