Lost my freedom to move around town. Born to be Free
Gender: Male
A change needs to be made
The Corona Virus has impacted my Job and my schooling, it caused both my job and school to close down.
Corona virus please dont take more from me
Im not able to be available to the people I serve in the community . Not being able to visit my father because hes elderly is disappointing and saddening. My first grandchild will be born soon and theres a great possibility that I wont be able to be there. My youngest son graduated from boot camp in the US Army and I couldn’t attend. This virus keeps taking the highlights of my life away from me.
Corona has made an impact on my life and my community , the corona virus is stopping us from having our jobs, getting our money and were being stuck inside The corona is hurting us we have loved ones who has pass from the virus
4 (Story #131)
The corona virus has put an impact on everyones life losing loved ones , losing jobs and money The corona virus made it bad for me, my job cut my hours short less money more problems
The virus has affected me because I have to be more cautious of the things i touch and making sure I wash my hands more often. This virus affects a lot because for us seniors we have no graduation no prom, everything is cancelled but on the bright side im saving money. The viruses is affecting me in a great way because im still doing what I want when I want I just have to be careful.
Work (Story #120)
The way the corona virus has affected me Iis my work for 2 weeks now I been job less because my job has been shut down now Im struggling to pay my bill
Crazy (Story #111)
Corona has effected my life a lot. I lost my job and money is getting tight.
Education (Story #108)
Coronavirus has affected me in many way one of them are me going to school And get my education these online classes are really not effective way for me to learn
Humble Awakening
The CoronaVirus has turkey been a humbling experience for me and my family. Im blessed to continue working being an essential employee, but the effect on our daily lives have been impacted. I like to look at the positives and use the opportunity to bond with self, love on family members, evaluate life, and appreciate the things we take for granted.