I’m holed up with family at my parents house. No contact with anybody outside immediate family. spending lots of time online. Was going to the beach until public beaches were closed by County order.
Gender: Male
EJSJB2020 (Story #31)
I have to find funds to fed my family and going to the stores is a scary thing. Work has been slow and when trying to support others its hard because of the distance we have to keep
Nursing home life
I live at b a nursing home. We can not receive visits. Our daily life is just about as normal as a nursing home can be. They are making sure that all of our helpers are not ill. They take our temperature twice a day and. Limit our clients are contact.
Work or Kids?
I’m home with my kids a lot, trying to work and keep them on a schedule that’s close to what they would do at school. It’s really hard to do work and pay attention to the kids and I find myself getting really short and unpleasant, yelling a lot. It’s hard to let go of what I want to accomplish at work but I can’t do both and the priority should be me being present with my kids.
How Coronavirus Impacted My Life
The Coronavirus has impacted my life in multiple ways. My daily activities as modified. I have to take precaution everywhere and with everyone. My work life and family life has changed. They way we shop has changed. I no longer eat out or visit places with large crowds. My business has even taken a impact. My daughter is a high school senior and her senior year has been ruined, no Grad Night, Prom and possibly graduation may not take place. The lines at the stores are long and many of them are out of supplies and its difficult to obtain items such as wipes, toilet tissue and other necessities for the home. Food items are limited as well.
The PK dike
Going fishing
The infrastructure
Fishing spot
Truth, streets, and what comes with it
I saw death the morning of my high school graduation. It let me know about