Growing up round violence. Family Orientation around the community and motivation.
Gender: Male
Success and growth
Ver good community with community with a lot of potential
How I became me
Going to College Changed my life.
Community as a whole
Just growing up here the hardships
Seeing kids in a wheelchair while young.
Up from the muck
I was an escort for the elite community club. It had a huge impact on me to be connected with the community.
Great Place
Overall the community is great great family oriented neighborhood where everyone knows each other.
Support (Story #625)
Bunch of positive mentors
One nice help- laroderick richardson
My neighborhood is good and quiet so one day I was very sick and I fell and so I’m screaming until my neighbors came and they helped me up to the hospital and they moved but I was always talking on him and then I used to meet up places and we always had fun and talked
Give god the glory-billy penn
Living in this neighborhood is not about the drugs and the alcohol I was born in 1947 in Delray Beach hoping kids don’t follow in my foot steps if I got a problem I don’t do drugs but around people that do good and bad in my childhood never went to school