I lost my job, my kids and I are home during the day but my husband is an essential worker. We have not been without.
Health related: NA
God’s got my family back
Me,my mother, and brother been out of work for 4 weeks now. I am part timer so I don’t get any PTO. So we have been about how we’re going to pay our bills.
In search of
My entire way of life has changed. The way I live, the way I move around my community, what I wear when I go outside of my home, the way that I worship all has changed. I ask myself, what is this new normal and will I ever feel safe again? The only thing that I can come up with is uncertainty.
There is no number, this is a horrible, scary time.
I remain in my house and my daughter no longer goes to Daycare, the park or anywhere for the most part, she is 3 years old.
COVID – 19
Due to the COVID-19 my last day of work was March 13th, its been tough because my bills havent stopped. But thankfully Ive made it through, and Ive been able to survive.
My New Normal
This new normal has been somewhat difficult for me. I am a people person that always greeted everyone with a hug. I work with children and I always greeted them with a kiss and a big hug. When my children see me they come running with arms open wanting that hug and kiss. They dont understand social distances. Having to learn how to use Zoom, Google Classroom and Google Meets has been a challenge. I have gracefully accepted my new normal.
Home Alone.. with kids
Currently I am working home full time while trying to maintain 3 school aged kids. My youngest is in 1st grade and had limited reading/spelling and computer skills without needing constant attention. This is very frustrating.
Living with the New Normal
I am working from home, which is a benefit. My children are learning digitally, which means that I have to also teach them academically. For my husband it gas changed his day to day and how he does things and being mindful those who are around him. We have a new normal. Lastly, no real social gathering and meeting with friends.
My Own Pandemic
Not only has corona virus impacted my life by keeping me outside, but my stepfather passed away just over 3 weeks ago (not covid related). To say that this has been a year from hell on a personal level is an understatement. Overall, I am okay, but its been rough. Classes transitioned to an online platform for me at the FAU Honors College and countrywide. Its just been tough. I know it can only get better from here and this too shall pass. That being said, however, losing someone you love and have loved for so long hurts.