Hope: --

#Tellyourstorypbc (Story #256)

Corona Virus has impacted my life in unbelievable ways. Due to corona I have no senior experience that I truly desired . All senior events canceled , which breaks my heart .

#37 I have A Lung Disease

This lady is 82 yrs old. She lives alone. The Virus has affected her because she has a rare lung disease for 17 yrs. So,She is forbidden from going out. I am going to the grocery store for her on Saturday. This Virus is a problem with not knowing if you have it! She is not optimist when this pandemic will be over. Her neighbors are having parties. Otherwise, this is how the virus tends to spread.


Due to the corona virus i have been stuck in the house and not able to go out and get my medication.

#Onthebrightside #bittersweet

Coronavirus has been a positive and negative experience for me. On the positive side one of my streams of income will continue to come in. On the negative side, the way I am able to make extra money (to be able to save and not live paycheck to paycheck) would put me at risk by coming in contact with numerous people. Since I live with my grandmother, I’m unable to do this. I worry that the older people in my house are continuously going out for food. We bump heads a lot. On the bright side I’ve had the chance to work on being more active and I have had time to prepare healthier meals. (Minus one week of eating all junk and not being able to get enough motivation to do much outside of the bed.) My sister and I have started this new thing where we go on walks every day. On the negative side I am extremely tired of hearing about the virus and I’m hoping things will return to normal in May so that I can do the things I most enjoy again.

#25 The Outbreak of Diphtheria and Malaria

She is a 92 yrs old …worked for the Dept of Health in Palm Beach Co.for over 30 yrs. She remembers the outbreak of diphtheria and malaria. When those became an epidemic everyone she said, had to be tested and were given medicine to take at home. But this is a mess. no breakthrough with medications nor vaccines,I don’t go like I use too. So being at home watching T,V. works for me ,When I am outside it is now for paying bills ,banking and sometimes grocery with my adult children.The Leadership of this country needs to be replaced.

#31 It’s Very sad

She has been at home for appx 2 mos. .Her 61 yr old daughter supplies all her earthly needs.She has custody of her 17 yr old granddaughter,who is a teen Mom (18 mos old) and her 16 yr old grandson, Their Mother died when they were young children. She has buried a husband and now is 74 yrs of age. Her thoughts on the Corona Virus are that It is very sad.

#29 This Is a Plague

She has the pleasure of her Grandson living with her. He helps her get out early mornings to get grocery taking advantage of Senior Early Shopping hours. The Virus has impacted her family due to her having essential workers a Son(in the Army) and Granddaughter(in the medical field). she noted that the national Leadership has known about this virus since letting Americans take their monies from the stock market in November of 2019. She ,now attends.er Church over the internet like so many others. And she reads her bible daily as a way of total entertainment.She sustains her way of this pandemic by leaning on her faith.This she notes is a :plague that is described in the Bible.

#23 I need a Haircut

I am my 93 yr old Father’s caregiver. I am 71 yrs old. My Father’s sister is hospitalized with the Corona Virus in South Carolina along with her daugher and granddaughter. I have a cousin in Georgia afflicted with this virus and another cousin in Mew York who died Saturday. His wife is also hospitalized and her condition is grave. I need to loosen up but I am until to do so presently. Safety [s a major concern using wipes , sanitizer and facial mask are as necessary as grocery staples. She is coping with her Father’s Dementia, He is constantly asking her When am I going to get a haircut? Because ,after his haircut He visits his girlfriend in Lake Worth,FL.

#27 This is the last Place I Thought The Virus Would Spread

Because it is recommended that she stay in place due to high risk symptoms. She says that her illnesse has limited her movement for years. Isolation has been her issue. However, she would take a trip to the closet Nursing facility to visit her Mother. Now, she speaks to her Mother by phone only. I suggested that she call the facility to inquire if the virus has spread there. She has had a list of her church members succumb to the virus. She named them one by one. This is the last place, I thought the virus would spread!

Pandemic affect

It has caused an enormous amount of stress for me in many ways. And has impacted the life’s of my family and myself. with the schools being closed, I’ve been forced to cut hours at work. Which has created another problem. (Financially ) I have also notice my utilities has gone up significantly due to the stay in home order. The kids are are not fully engaging into virtual learning. Most kids are hands on learners and are used to school like environments. witnessing my children which are a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grader confined has been quite overwhelming for the whole entire family. And being a single parent has only added extra stress.