The end of February when we (our country) realized that we needed to get what we need because the world as we know it was beginning to be wash away and the expectation of what to come was uncertain I was prepared on how to get purchase what is needed somewhat because I live in a hurricane state but the adjustment of this new life is challenging because we dont know what to become of the new world
Hope: --
#16 No vaccine
It’s getting adjusted to staying home that bothers me .I go to the gym daily, enjoyed attending church and senior activites w/field trips. The lonliness is driving me crazy at 76 years of age.But it is for the safety and good of the community. The streets are empty and I love walking but I will remain safe in my house, The only place that I must go ; is to get grocery for only me. Florida is heavily populated with Seniors and the Governor should have made the rules more stricter sooner. Because,there is no vaccine.
My daughter is a Nurse with the Health Department. She told me much earlier about there would be a demanding need for facial protection. I am a seamtress. It gives me great joy and peace ….making sure that all healthcare workers and those in the community are not exposed to the virus through facial masking. A strong enough effort should have been imposed for safety/protection sooner than Now! I have a cousin and her spouse living in Detriot who beat the Corona Virus. I am thankful!
#17 The people are being disobedient
The government has been leading the way. It is the citizens not using their common sense to adhere to the rules and laws of the land. The people are being disobedient. The church has been open exposing the elderly population to the virus. I have an aide that come to my home 4 days e week to continuously assist me with my personal
Mu Mother is 86 yrs of age. She is currently in a nursing facility in New Jersey. It is a relief. She is unable to facetime nor text me . I yearn to hug her and visit with her. Bringing her all of her hearts desires to the facility. I speak with by phone 3 to 4 times per day. I am under quarantine per my doctor due to me helping other elders by transporting them to the hospital for care and church attendance. This has hindered me from ordering food from the grocery stores and getting prepared meals. The prepared meals received are delectable and an added blessing. My gym has closed where i am paying for a membership that I am unable to use. Dr.’s appointments have been cancelled so my health maybe at risk or in a deficiency. I,no longer, can help the elders in my apartment complex. as a result of my quarantine.
In my 83 year of living, I have never known so many people that I have a connection with dying from this virus. Ii appears that the government knew of this pandemic way before now. The whole country should have been shut-down months ago. I am unable to get around like I once did, My wife and I are miserable with the company we use to receive on a daily basis. She is one of the best cooks around. So we always had folks stopping in on us. I miss that! However, if we must go out we do not have the crowded highways and by-ways to manuever through. We are unable to have our Yard Sales because this help us earn extra money being on a fixed income with no pension.
Sisters + Cars
My sister lives in West Palm Beach and I live in Jupiter. She doesn’t drive and last week she had symptoms similar to the ones for coronavirus. I reached out and told her if she wants to go get tested to let me know and I can drive her but we have to make an appointment, find a mask and some gloves for us to not spread it between each other. I am glad that I am here for her and I have a car. But it had me thinking, how else are people that do not have transportation and are not feeling well getting tested? All the testing sites are drive thru. If people go to the hospital aren’t they just turned away? None of the healthcare providers are talking about what to do if you don’t have a car.
A change needs to be made
The Corona Virus has impacted my Job and my schooling, it caused both my job and school to close down.
2020 When the World Stopped Spinning So Fast
It seems we have fallen down a rabbit hole into some other dimension. Watching the world suffer from a distance and feeling like it is never going to end. My son is missing out on the end of 5th grade, safety patrol trip to Washington D.C., his spring soccer season, and just his regular daily routine. I am fortunate to be able to work from home, but Ive become a teacher, guidance counselor, recess playmate, and lunch lady too. I am not complaining about one moment, my cousins 24 year old normally healthy son is on a ventilator in Ohio and we are praying everyday for him to be healed.I have had more phone calls and texts from people that keeping up with was too easy to over look. In some ways it makes me ashamed but then I realize we are all in the same boat.
Corona virus please dont take more from me
Im not able to be available to the people I serve in the community . Not being able to visit my father because hes elderly is disappointing and saddening. My first grandchild will be born soon and theres a great possibility that I wont be able to be there. My youngest son graduated from boot camp in the US Army and I couldn’t attend. This virus keeps taking the highlights of my life away from me.