The virus has not given me an opportunity to visit my wife my of over 40 years. SO.i must solely depend on the nursing facility to care for her, not being able to lay my eyes on her is very frustrating for her as well as for me. I, not only miss her, voice but her gently calling my name and praying with her, This virus should be calm by now. But the leadership of this country is does not place value on our lives. I.must depend on charitable organizations for prepared meals and it is a mystery to know who has and who does not have the virus, I depended on an organizatipn but now they no longer exist.
Hope: Fear
Coffee shop anxiety
I sometimes work at a coffee shop for family friends on the weekends. I worked this past Sunday to help out over worked owners and staff. A lot of the other staff members have decided not to come into work because they are too afraid of getting sick and not being able to support their family. I am usually a really friendly and happy person, always focused on customer service. But I found myself really anxious the entire shift and I felt angry at customers for coming in. This anxiety lingered with me for several days to the point where I had to lay in bed for the entire next day. Thank you to every single service worker right now. I hope that there is mental health support specifically for service workers right now.
Seniors Co2020
The Corona Virus has impacted my life in many was. It really hit us class of 2020 seniors we not only have to weeks of and tons of school work on line but we wont be able to enjoy our senior year how everyone else have No grad bash no grad night no prom and the most important thing that ment the world to most of us something that we all worked hard to do was walk across that stage. And because of Covid19 we wont be able to do any of the following. This was our 2020 senior year even though we were half way thru the year was basically over things happen for a reason I really hope they would have at least a little gathering for us class of 2020 because I believe we worked really hard.
Corona has made an impact on my life and my community , the corona virus is stopping us from having our jobs, getting our money and were being stuck inside The corona is hurting us we have loved ones who has pass from the virus
Life on pause
Im not able to continue my education in the pace that I wont. Because of whats happening, Im taking a leave of absence at work
Help !
Corona has effect my life so much , I have lost a job I have kids this in the worst of them yet ! Idk when I will be able to find another job due to this virus everybodys lifes being taken away its very sad ! I pray trump fix it noww… my community is upside down nobody being able to pay their bills nobody has any money this is a tragedy.
Life of helll right now
the corona has impacted my life so much ! I lost a job I have a family to feed . life has been so stressful . I try my best to keep a smile on my face for my kids but something has to give ….
Stuck (Story #109)
I am a college student, i was sent home for spring break and told not to return as i was trying to catch a flight to retrieve my belongings my flight was canceled so now Im stuck home with only a few items of my own
The Fierce Women
Im pregnant and the Corona virus has stopped work for me and my child.. my source of income has been put on hold. Im afraid to give birth in these circumstances.
Grandchildren education
My grandchildren are now taking online classes but my daughter is an essential worker shes a care giver and while shes working i have my grandchildren the education online is not really hands on so i dont think its really benefiting my grandchildren