Only down fall i can remember from this virus is not having a chance to see my teammates one more time before I transferred.
Hope: NA
big body
It really only changed the amount I workout. I probably workout 3x as much as i would normally.
It made my life so boring, all i literally do is play the game, workout, or on facetime. I want to facetime literally, in person.
My life has been pretty good so far. I mean i do miss football but ive been working out and doing what i usually do. Ive been exploring my town and doing new things with my family
My Own Pandemic
Not only has corona virus impacted my life by keeping me outside, but my stepfather passed away just over 3 weeks ago (not covid related). To say that this has been a year from hell on a personal level is an understatement. Overall, I am okay, but its been rough. Classes transitioned to an online platform for me at the FAU Honors College and countrywide. Its just been tough. I know it can only get better from here and this too shall pass. That being said, however, losing someone you love and have loved for so long hurts.
Quarantined (Story #686)
This virus has affected my life because I am not able to go out into public as often as before. I was not able to take courses in-person at my college. My family and I have been cooking at home instead of going out for food. My gym is closed so I havent been able to workout. It has been a complete change in my lifestyle.
#Dammit Man
Zuri and I were speaking to Shannon.(The man we have come to know as Dammit Man)As we sat and talked with him, he started to say non-sensible things to make us laugh, but he wouldnt do a proper survey. A few days later, I got a phone call from my neighbor the news that he had died. She said that Dammit Man had spat on the tall blind man not the short one and he smacked him in the head with his cane. I refused to believe her, due to the fact that I had just seen him not to long ago. The more days went by the more I started to believe that what she said was true, but one morning as I began to walk to the YEC I seen him walk walking slower than normal. He told me how he seen god in the hospital and that the world was flat.
Hard work
Due to covid-19 I been working a lot more as an essential employee.The outside is closed but Walmart still has me working.
Nene story
The coronavirus has a big impact on me because I can not going to school
COVID-19 Changes
I have a pre-existing health condition that effects my lungs, so I had to move back to my hometown to adjust my ability to control my exposure. In doing so, I had to continue paying for an apartment I could not use, and I had to leave my job because it was no longer safe for me to work and I was not given a remote work option. I also had to repurchase items such as clothing and textbooks because I did not think that I would be away from my apartment for months when I originally left.