How people are treated: NA

The walk of biblical Faith

Absolutely everything is turned up side down!!! An entirely new and different way of life!!! But because I am by the grace of God well learned considerably in scripture I am not alarmed none what so ever and that is the gospel truth!!!


I have been working from home due to the work schedule change with the pandemic. I have a friend who is a single mom, with 3 small children. Mom has not been able to get her wifi service connected and her 3 elementary school children were unable to participate in the virtual classroom setting or get their school work done on time. Mom also had the opportunity to work during those 2 days. I offered to help her for 2 days while she fixed her issue with comcast. In those 2 days I learned so much from them. I learned about the struggles young families have in getting the children on the District website, looking for the assignments that need to be worked on, and the old keeping them on task regiment. I had to put all 3 in separate rooms with makes shift desks. The three year old had some fine motor skills to work on, he did great!I am divorced and my son is 24. I forgot what is was like to have kids in the house. I only had one child so three was quite a challenge. I am proud to say I still managed to get my work done daily. Hats off to all moms and dad struggling to be a teacher. I had some funny moments with them and realized how resilient these children are. I was on a conference call at one point, and I sensed someone slithering on the floor (I had told them I would be on a conference call and could not be disturbed). The 3 year old was trying not to disturb me so he slithered all the way from the doorway to my desk to ask if he was allowed to have a cookie, seems like an appropriate time to get a YES response. One they all finished their schoolwork we went outside to do an Art project. On the second day I was asked when the fine arts class was going to take place. Yes, I did read a book to them about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera and we did work on a Jackson Pollack action painting project, the first day. On the second day of our fine arts class we made fabric masks from a t’shirt. The children painted a design on the fabric and then we cut them to size. The 3 year put his mask on and instead of seeing himself as a fictional hero character, he said he was a Doctor. The real heroes of there time. The entire healthcare community who are working hard during this crisis.

2020 When the World Stopped Spinning So Fast

It seems we have fallen down a rabbit hole into some other dimension. Watching the world suffer from a distance and feeling like it is never going to end. My son is missing out on the end of 5th grade, safety patrol trip to Washington D.C., his spring soccer season, and just his regular daily routine. I am fortunate to be able to work from home, but I’ve become a teacher, guidance counselor, recess playmate, and lunch lady too. I am not complaining about one moment, my cousins 24 year old normally healthy son is on a ventilator in Ohio and we are praying everyday for him to be healed.I have had more phone calls and texts from people that keeping up with was too easy to over look. In some ways it makes me ashamed but then I realize we are all in the same boat.

Seniors Co’2020

The Corona Virus has impacted my life in many was. It really hit us class of 2020 seniors we not only have to weeks of and tons of school work on line but we won’t be able to enjoy our senior year how everyone else have No grad bash no grad night no prom and the most important thing that ment the world to most of us something that we all worked hard to do was walk across that stage. And because of Covid19 we won’t be able to do any of the following. This was our 2020 senior year even though we were half way thru the year was basically over things happen for a reason I really hope they would have at least a little gathering for us class of 2020 because I believe we worked really hard.

Coronavirus sucks

This corona virus is terrible. All the stores are closed and the grocery stores close early, even the banks close early. I can’t take my kids out to do anything fun we are trapped in the house like animals at the zoo. It’s ruining my plans, I had to reschedule a trip twice and now we have curfew. Coronavirus SUCKS!!!

Life of helll right now

the corona has impacted my life so much ! I lost a job I have a family to feed . life has been so stressful . I try my best to keep a smile on my face for my kids but something has to give ….

Stuck (Story #109)

I am a college student, i was sent home for spring break and told not to return as i was trying to catch a flight to retrieve my belongings my flight was canceled so now I’m stuck home with only a few items of my own

Grandchildren education

My grandchildren are now taking online classes but my daughter is an essential worker she’s a care giver and while she’s working i have my grandchildren the education online is not really hands on so i don’t think it’s really benefiting my grandchildren

Appreciate what you have.

The corona virus has pushed me to be more open minded about other people’s situations. Often times we go through life not taking in the perspectives of other people’s lives. So hearing what other people are going through has made me appreciate the things I have in my life . I have learned to not take the small things for granted and be mindful that what I might find as an inconvenience for me may be a blessing for someone else.On one of my virtual staff meetings I heard that people were having difficulty in household in pbc with more than one child because they all couldn’t have their own laptop. I would have never thought of that as a potential issue for anyone because I only have one sibling who I don’t have to share a computer with.In that moment we realized that it was good thing we hadn’t gotten my sister a laptop from the county because there are children who don’t have any computer access at all. SO us getting her a computer would have been taking away from a child that may have no other computer access in the home.So although her computer doesn’t work properly sometimes,she has access to other people with computers and its better than not having one at all.

Don’t Take the Little thing for granted.

The days are just not the same. You think you have time to do it all but when something like this hits, you wonder what have I been doing with my time. The Corona Virus has impacted me in ways that are simple but yet so meaningful at this time. The little things that I take for granted like going to the grocery store or dropping by to get a bite to eat is now obsolete. Social distancing from my family and friends have been the worst. I can’t even see my mom like I want right now for the fear of her getting sick. She has cancer and things have been put on hold for her now due to the epidemic. I am a person that likes to visit me elderly people and I can’t at the moment. Just walking out the door now I am so much more cautious. My neighbor across the street from me would usually come in the yard and now we’re talking at the edge of the driveways. My little cousins that I see day to day, I can’t anymore because I’m trying to keep my distance and follow the rules. My heart goes out to the elderly that don’t have anyone to check on them and the homeless. I want to help my community out so much but at the risk of becoming sick is so scary. I have learned that the things we take for granted should be the ones that we cherish the most because at anytime they can be stripped from us without warning. I miss the kids that I work with as well, all of them, good, challenged and some a little defiant but what I would do to have conversation with them now.