My story shows we need to: NA

EJSJB2020 (Story #NA)

The Year 2020 has been a roller coaster for me, due to COVID-19 I lost my job and it started to get hard for me to provide for myself or my family, on top of that my mother tested positive for Covid, I spent most of my time taking care of her and making sure she gets better. Even though the majority of the year wasn’t the best, I remained positive and still found a way to keep a smiled on my face, and that’s by surrounding myself with family and friends and always trying to turn this bad situation into a good one.

My Story (Story #945)

This is the story about how my family and I have been affected by covid-19. On July 15, 2020 my wife Carmen Rodriguez, and I Roberto Martinez became sick. We were having high fever, muscular pain, loss of appetite and sense of smell. My wife was getting worst, I had to take her to the emergency room. On July 21, 2020. The doctors diagnosed pneumonia in her left lung and lack of oxygen. The doctors started a treatment on her. Since we do not have any type of health insurance we are drowning in debt. I have been using my savings to cover some of those medical bills. Since I stopped working due to the virus. I haven’t been able to work for 8 weeks, waiting for my wife to get better. I’ve been taking care of my kids. (14, 7 years old). This situation has been very painful, the recovery very slow, but we are positive that things are going to get better and we will be able to go back to work. For now, we need help paying some of our bills. While we can overcome this hardship. Thank you!

Palm Health story

The request for assistance comes from the lack of funds available to cover the rent due to an injury I suffered and put me out of work for over 3 weeks. I injured my shoulder which left me unable to work and left a big gap in our income. My wife also being pregnant and due to the current pandemic being unable to work, puts us in a tight squeeze in order to make the payment possible. We would kindly appreciate any assistance which can be provided in order to make the payments due. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. We appreciate any help available, thanks.

Covid-19 (Story #943)

I Carmela Herrera, have gone through a hard situation. I am 65 years old I live by myself I was in the process of moving out because I cant afford to pay the rent where I live. Unfortunately I was infected with the virus back in June. I was very sick and was hospitalized for almost 3 weeks. I was connected to the oxygen the whole time. After 3 weeks I was released. I couldn’t work, I had to stay home for another 3 weeks before I was to start working. I am behind in my bills, and need some support to pay my electric bill before they discontinue the service. I am lucky to be alive and I thank this program and other ones that are supporting the community to help those in need. Thank you.

Tough Times

Immigration/Covid-19My name is Yadira, I have 5 children. Ages 16, 11, 9, 5 and 2 years old. Immigration detained me and my husband back in November 2019. I was in immigration detention for 2 weeks, my brother took care of my kids during this time. Once I was released, I was forced to use an ankle bracelet. My husband was detained for 2 months and then deported to Mexico. I am providing for my kids by myself. Before the covid-19 outbreak I used to work cleaning houses. But due to the virus I haven’t been able to work. Everybody is afraid, so my clients don’t want me to go to clean their homes. My brother has been helping me, but he has his own family to provide for. I am going through a serious hardship. And I am grateful to find this program that is supporting me and my family, thank you.

Covid-19 (Story #939)

Fidelina FloresHi, I’m Fidelina Flores I was forced to stop working on March 18th due to the covid-19 outbreak. I have three kids, an 11 month old an 8 year old and an 18 year old. I used to work at a restaurant called “Las Flores”. After a couple of months of staying home I was able to go back to work, but only for one day. My employment income decreased drastically leaving me and my family in a very hard financial situation. My husband also got his work hours reduced. He is working just three days a week because his employer follows the social distance guidelines and they don’t allow many people people working at the same time. This pandemic has affected us a lot, we are struggling to pay rent and bills every month.


Hi, I’m Juanita Hernandez I couldn’t pay my bill this month because I’ve had a hard time since my two sons moved out. They used to help me out but I also became disabled and I cannot work. I have fibsios of the lungs, I’m always in chronic pain. Also, I have a case pending with social security but they haven’t approved me yet. It’s been hard on me and my family. I have a seven year old son, his father died three years ago of cancer and he used to help me out. My older kid’s father also passed away two weeks ago in Mexico and we had to raise money to pay for his funeral. Life has just been so hard for me and my family these past couple of years. I’ve been scammed with credit cards for life insurance loans etc. Thank you so much for everything! I really appreciate it.

My Story (Story #938)

My StoryI am Janette Lopez, I’m a single mother. I live with my mother, sister and 12 year old son. We all four caught the virus covid 19. Till this day we are still recovering. Unfortunately, I’m not able to work yet because I am still sick and taking medications. My family and I are very grateful for this foundation. Thank you for paying my previous month’s rent. And for continuing to support my family and I through the month of June. I am very grateful, Thank you for everything. –Janette Lopez


Covid-19 affected my life by causing me to have a virtual graduation and have my football season end on the wrong foot. Because of this pandemic, I was not working out with my workout partner in the gym. It also scared me of my grand-parents life since they are in the age range.